# # When it runs the output looks something like this. # [mahoney@cs passwd]$ ./cryptTest -- Testing the password crypt() function -- Enter a secret word (<32 chars, no spaces) to encrypt: TheSecretWord With salt='a7', the encrypted version of 'TheSecretWord' is 'a75.Dz1BDG2j6'. Enter a guess: Hi. With salt='a75.Dz1BDG2j6', encrypted version of 'Hi.' is 'a714SIyRfHYT2'. Nope, that's not it. Try again. Enter a guess: AnotherSecret With salt='a75.Dz1BDG2j6', encrypted version of 'AnotherSecret' is 'a7d5bnWh0nrvI'. Nope, that's not it. Try again. Enter a guess: TheSicretWord With salt='a75.Dz1BDG2j6', encrypted version of 'TheSicretWord' is 'a7AvUjHYLcaSY'. Nope, that's not it. Try again. Enter a guess: TheSecretWord With salt='a75.Dz1BDG2j6', encrypted version of 'TheSecretWord' is 'a75.Dz1BDG2j6'. Yup, that's the secret word all right. [mahoney@cs passwd]$