package jimDij; import java.util.*; /*** * Dijekstra finds the minimum paths through a graph. * This is a demo for both the intro programming and the * algorithms classes. * * @author Jim Mahoney ( * @version 0.1 Nov 25 2002 ***/ public class Dijkstra { private static Graph theGraph; private static final String dataFile = "g5.obj"; private static final String startPlace = "Tokushima"; /*** * What program would be complete without a main() method? ***/ public static void main(String[] args){ println(""); print(" Reading data from '" + dataFile + "' ... "); theGraph = ReadData.initData(dataFile, startPlace); println(" done."); println(""); print(" Building search tree ... "); doDijekstraSearch(true); // true => verbose println(" done."); println(""); println(" Here's the final data structure : "); theGraph.displayAsText(); println(""); println(" And here are the paths: "); theGraph.displayAllPaths(); } // ------- The core of the algorithm ----------------------- /***** * Finds the shortest paths from the starting * node to every other node. The answer is stored within then * Nodes, in the parent and pathDistance instance variables. * * The data structure should be set up before this is called. * * @param verbose "true" means print out the details of the search *****/ public static void doDijekstraSearch(boolean verbose){ int count=0; final int ITERATION_LIMIT = 1000; if (verbose){ println(""); } // When the algorithm starts, all the nodes are colored white // (which means we haven't looked at any of them), and // all the total distance guess (pathDistance) in the nodes // are set to very large numbers - except // for the starting node, which is set to pathDistance zero. // Loop over all white nodes. while (true){ // Count is only for safety, to catch infinite loops. count++; if (verbose) { println("-- loop "+count+" --"); } if (count>ITERATION_LIMIT){ println(" +++ OOPS - HIT ITERATION LIMIT +++"); return; } // (1) Get the next Node that we haven't done (a white one). Node currentNode = theGraph.getSmallestWhiteNode(); if (currentNode==null){ return; // We're finished if we can't } // find a white one. if (verbose) { println(""); println("New white: "); currentNode.displayAsText(); } // (2) Mark the current node as being finished (i.e. black). currentNode.setColor(Node.BLACK); // (3) Loop over all the edges that lead out from this Node. Iterator e = currentNode.edgeIterator(); while (e.hasNext()){ Edge edge = (Edge); Node neighbor = edge.getToNode(); // Examine only neighbors which are not black. if (neighbor.isBlack()){ continue; } if (verbose){ print(" Looking at "); neighbor.displayAsText(); } // (4) Find the total distance to the neighbors // using a path through the current node. int throughHere = currentNode.getPathDistance() + edge.getDistance(); if (verbose) {println(" throughHere = "+throughHere);} // If that's shorter than our best guess // so far to that node, then // remember the current node as its parent // and the distance through this node as our // best guess so far. if (neighbor.getPathDistance() > throughHere) { neighbor.setPathDistance(throughHere); neighbor.setParent(currentNode); } if (verbose){ print(" Leaving "); neighbor.displayAsText(); } } if (verbose){ println(""); } } } // ----- a few utility routines ---------------------------- /*** * Shorthand for System.out.println(String s). * Prints out its argument followed by a new line. * @param String s what to print **/ public static void println(String s){ System.out.println(s); } /*** * Shorthand for System.out.print(String s) * @param String s what to print **/ public static void print(String s){ System.out.print(s); } }