/***************************************************************************** * * * ------------------------------- huffman.c ------------------------------ * * * *****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include "bit.h" #include "bitree.h" #include "compress.h" #include "pqueue.h" /***************************************************************************** * * * ----------------------------- compare_freq ----------------------------- * * * *****************************************************************************/ static int compare_freq(const void *tree1, const void *tree2) { HuffNode *root1, *root2; /***************************************************************************** * * * Compare the frequencies stored in the root nodes of two binary trees. * * * *****************************************************************************/ root1 = (HuffNode *)bitree_data(bitree_root((const BiTree *)tree1)); root2 = (HuffNode *)bitree_data(bitree_root((const BiTree *)tree2)); //printf("root1: symbol='%c', freq=%i.\n", root1->symbol, root1->freq); if (root1->freq < root2->freq) return 1; else if (root1->freq > root2->freq) return -1; else return 0; } /***************************************************************************** * * * ----------------------------- destroy_tree ----------------------------- * * * *****************************************************************************/ static void destroy_tree(void *tree) { /***************************************************************************** * * * Destroy and free one binary tree from the priority queue of trees. * * * *****************************************************************************/ bitree_destroy(tree); free(tree); return; } /***************************************************************************** * * * ------------------------------ build_tree ------------------------------ * * * *****************************************************************************/ static int build_tree(int *freqs, BiTree **tree) { BiTree *init, *merge, *left, *right; PQueue pqueue; HuffNode *data; int size, c; /***************************************************************************** * * * Initialize the priority queue of binary trees. * * * *****************************************************************************/ *tree = NULL; pqueue_init(&pqueue, compare_freq, destroy_tree); for (c = 0; c <= UCHAR_MAX; c++) { if (freqs[c] != 0) { /*********************************************************************** * * * Set up a binary tree for the current symbol and its frequency. * * * ***********************************************************************/ if ((init = (BiTree *)malloc(sizeof(BiTree))) == NULL) { pqueue_destroy(&pqueue); return -1; } bitree_init(init, free); if ((data = (HuffNode *)malloc(sizeof(HuffNode))) == NULL) { pqueue_destroy(&pqueue); return -1; } data->symbol = c; data->freq = freqs[c]; printf("built tree for symbol='%c', freq=%i.\n", data->symbol, data->freq); if (bitree_ins_left(init, NULL, data) != 0) { free(data); bitree_destroy(init); free(init); pqueue_destroy(&pqueue); return -1; } /*********************************************************************** * * * Insert the binary tree into the priority queue. * * * ***********************************************************************/ if (pqueue_insert(&pqueue, init) != 0) { bitree_destroy(init); free(init); pqueue_destroy(&pqueue); return -1; } } } /***************************************************************************** * * * Build a Huffman tree by merging trees in the priority queue. * * * *****************************************************************************/ size = pqueue_size(&pqueue); for (c = 1; c <= size - 1; c++) { /************************************************************************** * * * Allocate storage for the next merged tree. * * * **************************************************************************/ if ((merge = (BiTree *)malloc(sizeof(BiTree))) == NULL) { pqueue_destroy(&pqueue); return -1; } /************************************************************************** * * * Extract the two trees whose root nodes have the smallest frequencies. * * * **************************************************************************/ if (pqueue_extract(&pqueue, (void **)&left) != 0) { pqueue_destroy(&pqueue); free(merge); return -1; } if (pqueue_extract(&pqueue, (void **)&right) != 0) { pqueue_destroy(&pqueue); free(merge); return -1; } /************************************************************************** * * * Allocate storage for the data in the root node of the merged tree. * * * **************************************************************************/ if ((data = (HuffNode *)malloc(sizeof(HuffNode))) == NULL) { pqueue_destroy(&pqueue); free(merge); return -1; } memset(data, 0, sizeof(HuffNode)); /************************************************************************** * * * Sum the frequencies in the root nodes of the trees being merged. * * * **************************************************************************/ data->freq = ((HuffNode *)bitree_data(bitree_root(left)))->freq + ((HuffNode *)bitree_data(bitree_root(right)))->freq; /************************************************************************** * * * Merge the two trees. * * * **************************************************************************/ if (bitree_merge(merge, left, right, data) != 0) { pqueue_destroy(&pqueue); free(merge); return -1; } /************************************************************************** * * * Insert the merged tree into the priority queue and free the others. * * * **************************************************************************/ if (pqueue_insert(&pqueue, merge) != 0) { pqueue_destroy(&pqueue); bitree_destroy(merge); free(merge); return -1; } free(left); free(right); } /***************************************************************************** * * * The last tree in the priority queue is the Huffman tree. * * * *****************************************************************************/ if (pqueue_extract(&pqueue, (void **)tree) != 0) { pqueue_destroy(&pqueue); return -1; } else { pqueue_destroy(&pqueue); } return 0; } /***************************************************************************** * * * ------------------------------ build_table ----------------------------- * * * *****************************************************************************/ static void build_table(BiTreeNode *node, unsigned short code, unsigned char size, HuffCode *table) { if (!bitree_is_eob(node)) { if (!bitree_is_eob(bitree_left(node))) { /*********************************************************************** * * * Move to the left and append 0 to the current code. * * * ***********************************************************************/ build_table(bitree_left(node), code << 1, size + 1, table); } if (!bitree_is_eob(bitree_right(node))) { /*********************************************************************** * * * Move to the right and append 1 to the current code. * * * ***********************************************************************/ build_table(bitree_right(node), (code << 1) | 0x0001, size + 1, table); } if (bitree_is_eob(bitree_left(node))&&bitree_is_eob(bitree_right(node))) { /*********************************************************************** * * * Ensure that the current code is in big-endian format. * * * ***********************************************************************/ code = htons(code); /*********************************************************************** * * * Assign the current code to the symbol in the leaf node. * * * ***********************************************************************/ table[((HuffNode *)bitree_data(node))->symbol].used = 1; table[((HuffNode *)bitree_data(node))->symbol].code = code; table[((HuffNode *)bitree_data(node))->symbol].size = size; } } return; } /***************************************************************************** * * * --------------------------- huffman_compress --------------------------- * * * *****************************************************************************/ int huffman_compress(const unsigned char *original, unsigned char **compressed, int size) { BiTree *tree; HuffCode table[UCHAR_MAX + 1]; int freqs[UCHAR_MAX + 1], max, scale, hsize, ipos, opos, cpos, c, i; unsigned char *comp, *temp; /***************************************************************************** * * * Initially there is no buffer of compressed data. * * * *****************************************************************************/ *compressed = NULL; /***************************************************************************** * * * Get the frequency of each symbol in the original data. * * * *****************************************************************************/ for (c = 0; c <= UCHAR_MAX; c++) freqs[c] = 0; ipos = 0; if (size > 0) { while (ipos < size) { freqs[original[ipos]]++; ipos++; } } /***************************************************************************** * * * Scale the frequencies to fit into one byte. * * * *****************************************************************************/ max = UCHAR_MAX; for (c = 0; c <= UCHAR_MAX; c++) { if (freqs[c] > max) max = freqs[c]; } for (c = 0; c <= UCHAR_MAX; c++) { scale = (int)(freqs[c] / ((double)max / (double)UCHAR_MAX)); if (scale == 0 && freqs[c] != 0) freqs[c] = 1; else freqs[c] = scale; } /***************************************************************************** * * * Build the Huffman tree and table of codes for the data. * * * *****************************************************************************/ if (build_tree(freqs, &tree) != 0) return -1; for (c = 0; c <= UCHAR_MAX; c++) memset(&table[c], 0, sizeof(HuffCode)); build_table(bitree_root(tree), 0x0000, 0, table); bitree_destroy(tree); free(tree); /***************************************************************************** * * * Write the header information. * * * *****************************************************************************/ hsize = sizeof(int) + (UCHAR_MAX + 1); if ((comp = (unsigned char *)malloc(hsize)) == NULL) return -1; memcpy(comp, &size, sizeof(int)); for (c = 0; c <= UCHAR_MAX; c++) comp[sizeof(int) + c] = (unsigned char)freqs[c]; /***************************************************************************** * * * Compress the data. * * * *****************************************************************************/ ipos = 0; opos = hsize * 8; while (ipos < size) { /************************************************************************** * * * Get the next symbol in the original data. * * * **************************************************************************/ c = original[ipos]; /************************************************************************** * * * Write the code for the symbol to the buffer of compressed data. * * * **************************************************************************/ for (i = 0; i < table[c].size; i++) { if (opos % 8 == 0) { /******************************************************************** * * * Allocate another byte for the buffer of compressed data. * * * ********************************************************************/ if ((temp = (unsigned char *)realloc(comp,(opos / 8) + 1)) == NULL) { free(comp); return -1; } comp = temp; } cpos = (sizeof(short) * 8) - table[c].size + i; bit_set(comp, opos, bit_get((unsigned char *)&table[c].code, cpos)); opos++; } ipos++; } /***************************************************************************** * * * Point to the buffer of compressed data. * * * *****************************************************************************/ *compressed = comp; /***************************************************************************** * * * Return the number of bytes in the compressed data. * * * *****************************************************************************/ return ((opos - 1) / 8) + 1; } /***************************************************************************** * * * -------------------------- huffman_uncompress -------------------------- * * * *****************************************************************************/ int huffman_uncompress(const unsigned char *compressed, unsigned char **original) { BiTree *tree; BiTreeNode *node; int freqs[UCHAR_MAX + 1], hsize, size, ipos, opos, state, c; unsigned char *orig, *temp; /***************************************************************************** * * * Initially there is no buffer of original data. * * * *****************************************************************************/ *original = orig = NULL; /***************************************************************************** * * * Get the header information from the buffer of compressed data. * * * *****************************************************************************/ hsize = sizeof(int) + (UCHAR_MAX + 1); memcpy(&size, compressed, sizeof(int)); for (c = 0; c <= UCHAR_MAX; c++) freqs[c] = compressed[sizeof(int) + c]; /***************************************************************************** * * * Rebuild the Huffman tree used previously to compress the data. * * * *****************************************************************************/ if (build_tree(freqs, &tree) != 0) return -1; /***************************************************************************** * * * Uncompress the data. * * * *****************************************************************************/ ipos = hsize * 8; opos = 0; node = bitree_root(tree); while (opos < size) { /************************************************************************** * * * Get the next bit in the compressed data. * * * **************************************************************************/ state = bit_get(compressed, ipos); ipos++; if (state == 0) { /*********************************************************************** * * * Move to the left. * * * ***********************************************************************/ if (bitree_is_eob(node) || bitree_is_eob(bitree_left(node))) { bitree_destroy(tree); free(tree); return -1; } else node = bitree_left(node); } else { /*********************************************************************** * * * Move to the right. * * * ***********************************************************************/ if (bitree_is_eob(node) || bitree_is_eob(bitree_right(node))) { bitree_destroy(tree); free(tree); return -1; } else node = bitree_right(node); } if (bitree_is_eob(bitree_left(node))&&bitree_is_eob(bitree_right(node))) { /*********************************************************************** * * * Write the symbol in the leaf node to the buffer of original data. * * * ***********************************************************************/ if (opos > 0) { if ((temp = (unsigned char *)realloc(orig, opos + 1)) == NULL) { bitree_destroy(tree); free(tree); free(orig); return -1; } orig = temp; } else { if ((orig = (unsigned char *)malloc(1)) == NULL) { bitree_destroy(tree); free(tree); return -1; } } orig[opos] = ((HuffNode *)bitree_data(node))->symbol; opos++; /*********************************************************************** * * * Move back to the top of the tree. * * * ***********************************************************************/ node = bitree_root(tree); } } bitree_destroy(tree); free(tree); /***************************************************************************** * * * Point to the buffer of original data. * * * *****************************************************************************/ *original = orig; /***************************************************************************** * * * Return the number of bytes in the original data. * * * *****************************************************************************/ return opos; }