/************* * * listWords.c * * September 2002 assignment in Algorithms class * * -- original assignment -- * Write a C program which reads some number N of words from the * dictionary file /usr/share/lib/dict/words on akbar. and stores them as * a list. Let the characters 0..9a..zA..Z have the values 0-9, 10-36, * 37-63. Write an algorithm to search your list for the largest * word. How long does this take to run as a function of N, the number of * words in your table? ("gprof" may be the tool to help you see how long * it takes to run.) * * BUT the above has some fencepost errors, like a..z is 26 chars but * 10..36 is 27 numbers. So let's decide to have string values * (0..9,a..z,A..Z) => (0..9, 10..35, 37..62) and * (since the problem didn't say) have other characters assigned to zero. * * Jim Mahoney (mahoney@marlboro.edu) * * -- version history ------------------------------------------------- * * version 1.0, Sep 24 3am * Doesn't do timing on N yet, but otherwise fits the bill. * * version 1.1, Sep 26 2am * Added nthElement() and findMaxOfNWords() * Added timing, timeIt() and timeMany() to loop over different nWords. * Printed ouput is in form that gnuplot can understand. * * * Possible future additions: * * (1) Rather than starting at 0th word in list each time, * choose random starting points. For example, with * 25000 words total, to find run time for 500 words I could * start at anyplace between 0 and 20000. Then I could find * mean and standard deviation for n=500 words, using (say) * nstart=0,500,... * * (2) Turn to sorting the list next. Do similar timing and * plot to see growth of algorithm with nWords. * ******************************************************/ #include #include #include // ===== defines, typedefs and subroutine declarations ================ // ===== (Might put into a .h file later.) ============================= // maximum number of characters in one word. #define MaxChars 128 // A doubly linked list element to hold a string and its value. typedef struct ListElementStruct_ { struct ListElementStruct_* next; struct ListElementStruct_* prev; char* data; int value; } ListElementStruct, *ListElement; typedef struct ListStruct_ { ListElement first, last; int nElements; } ListStruct, *List; int getStringValue(char* aString); List makeEmptyList(); ListElement makeElement(char* inputData); void printElement(ListElement theList); void printList(List theList); void appendElementToList(List theList, ListElement newElement); void appendStringToList(List theList, char* theString); ListElement nthElement(List theList, int n); List readWordsIntoList(int howManyWords); void findMaxValue(List theList); // of whole list ListElement findMaxOfNWords(ListElement element, int nWords); double timeIt(int nWords, List theList); void timeMany(int nPoints); void testList(); void testGetStringValue(); void trialReadWords(); // ==== subroutine implementations ============================== // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Create and return a new empty list. List makeEmptyList() { List newList = (List)malloc(sizeof(ListStruct)); newList->nElements = 0; newList->first = NULL; newList->last = NULL; return(newList); } // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Create and return a new list element given an input string. // Also, calculate and store the value of the string. ListElement makeElement(char* inputData){ ListElement newElement = (ListElement)malloc(sizeof(ListElementStruct)); newElement->next = NULL; newElement->prev = NULL; newElement->data = (char*)malloc(strlen(inputData)); newElement->value = getStringValue(inputData); strcpy(newElement->data, inputData); return(newElement); } // ----------------------------------------------------------- void printElement(ListElement theList){ printf("self=%p, next=%p, prev=%p. Data is '%s, value=%i\n", theList, theList->next, theList->prev, theList->data, theList->value); } // ----------------------------------------------------------- void printList(List theList){ ListElement el; int i; if (theList->nElements == 0){ printf(" This list is empty.\n"); } else { printf(" This list has %i element(s): \n", theList->nElements); i=0; el = theList->first; while (el != NULL && i<100) { // don't show more than 100 elements printf(" %i : ",i); printElement(el); el = el->next; i++; } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------- void appendElementToList(List theList, ListElement newElement){ theList->nElements++; if (theList->last == NULL){ theList->first = newElement; theList->last = newElement; } else { theList->last->next = newElement; newElement->prev = theList->last; theList->last = newElement; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------- void appendStringToList(List theList, char* theString){ ListElement theElement = makeElement(theString); appendElementToList(theList, theElement); } // ----------------------------------------------------------- void testList(){ List theList = makeEmptyList(); ListElement anElement; printf(" ------------------- test list operations ------------ \n"); printf(" adding 'Hello'\n"); appendStringToList(theList, "Hello"); printList(theList); printf(" adding 'Goodbye'\n"); appendStringToList(theList, "Goodbye"); printf(" adding 'Put123Back'\n"); appendStringToList(theList, "Put123Back"); printf(" adding 'Yet another'\n"); appendStringToList(theList, "Yet another"); printList(theList); anElement = nthElement(theList,2); printf(" Element 2 is: \n "); printElement(anElement); } // ----------------------------------------------------------- // return the "value" of a string from the assignment definition. int getStringValue(char* theString){ int totalValue = 0; int characterValue=0; int asInt=1; int i=0; while (asInt != 0 && i 48, "9" => 57 , so subtract 48 from these to get 0..9 // "A" => 65, "Z" => 90 , so subtract 55 from these to get 10..35 // "a" => 97, "z" => 122 , so subtract 60 from these to get 37..62 // I'll ignore the other characters. void testGetStringValue(){ char* sampleString = "09.AZ.az."; int value; printf(" ---------- test getStringValue ---------- \n"); printf(" sampleString is '%s'\n", sampleString); printf(" length is %i\n", strlen(sampleString)); value = getStringValue(sampleString); printf(" total value this word is %i\n", value); } // ----------------------------------------------------------- List readWordsIntoList(int howManyWords){ char* fileName = "/usr/share/lib/dict/words"; // 25143 words, one per line. char oneWord[MaxChars]; int n=0; int s; FILE* filePtr = fopen(fileName,"r"); // "r" is "read only" mode List theList = makeEmptyList(); printf("# Reading %i words from '%s'.\n", howManyWords, fileName); if (filePtr==NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file '%s'\n"); exit(1); // Non-zero signals an error. } while (nnext; // walk down the list if (element->value > bestSoFar->value){ bestSoFar = element; } } return(bestSoFar); } // ----------------------------------------------------------- void findMaxValue(List theList){ ListElement el = theList->first; ListElement bestSoFar; if (el==NULL) { printf(" Oops: can't do findMaxValue on an empty list.\n"); return; } printf(" Looking for largest value in %i element list...\n", theList->nElements); bestSoFar = el; while (el->next != NULL){ el = el->next; // walk down the list if (el->value > bestSoFar->value){ bestSoFar = el; } } printf(" Done. *** Biggest is %i on word '%s'. ***\n\n", bestSoFar->value, bestSoFar->data); } // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Return the N'th element of the given list, 0<=N<=(size-1) // For N>=size, return NULL. ListElement nthElement(List theList, int n){ ListElement el = theList->first; int i; if (n >= theList->nElements){ return(NULL); } for (i=0;inext; } return(el); } // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Once this piece (and the others) worked, // I cut'n'paste the useful bits into readWordsIntoList. void trialReadWords(){ char* fileName = "/usr/share/lib/dict/words"; // 25143 words, one per line. char oneWord[MaxChars]; int howManyWords = 20; // Just as a warm up. int n=0; int s; FILE* filePtr = fopen(fileName,"r"); // "r" is "read only" mode printf(" ---------- test read words ---------- \n"); if (filePtr==NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file '%s'\n"); exit(1); // Non-zero signals an error. } while (nfirst, nWords); } end=gethrtime(); return 1.0e-9*(end-start)/repititions; } // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Find how long it takes for various values n of nWords, // using nPoints values of n. Print out a list of the results. // Put "#" at the start of the non-numeric lines so that gnuplot // will ignore them. (Same in printf() in readWordsIntoList().) void timeMany(int nPoints){ List theList = readWordsIntoList(50000); // read the whole file. double sec; int dN, n; const int MaxNWords = 25143; // number of words in the file. dN = MaxNWords/nPoints; printf("# Time (in sec) to find max of n words,\n"); printf("# using %i values for n:\n", nPoints); for (n=dN;n