*** listwords/readme.txt **** The files in this directory create a linked list of words, search for the word with the highest "value" (an arbitrarily chosen function of the word's letters), and time how long that takes for various numbers of words. See the comments in the front of listWords.c for more on the assignment details. The files are readme.txt this description listWords.c Main C source code. listWords Executable listWords_v1.c Earlier version of source go Shell script to compile and run listWords.c makePlot Shell script to compile and run listWords, and also to run gnuplot on the output. listWords.gp Gnuplot commands to create a plot. listWords.png The PNG format plot picture. hires_time.c Sample source of how to find run times hires_time Executable It all runs on akbar, using gcc and gnuplot on Solaris. (Are we having fun yet?) - Jim Mahoney (mahoney@marlboro.edu)