* Playing with analyzing coin tosses.
* The current version of this program has a bug in it!
* Challenge: modify this program to count toss 20 coins many
* times, and count how many of those have 1 head, 2 heads, ...
* (Leave out all the the detailed 1:head printing I have below.)
* These numbers will form what's called a "Bell curve."
* And for a *really* good time, graph the resulting bell curve
* with spaces and * chars, on its side so it looks something like
* 1 *
* 2 *
* 3 *
* ... etc.
* where the number of spaces before the "*" depends on how many
* times that number of heads turned up.
* @author Jim mahoney
* @version 1.0, Oct 7, 10pm
class CoinFlipping {
public static void main(String[] args){
int howMany = 20;
int counter = 1;
int headCount = 0;
print(" Tossing a coin " + howMany + " times.");
while (counter<=howMany){
boolean isHead = coinToss();
if (isHead) {
headCount++; }
print(" " + counter + ": "
+ booleanToString(isHead) + "." );
print(" Total number of heads = " + headCount + ".");
// Debugging - why are we getting average = 0 ?
System.out.println(" headCount = " + headCount );
System.out.println(" howMany = " + howMany );
print(" Average number = " + headCount/howMany + ".");
// convert a boolean (true or false) to a String ("heads" or "tails")
public static String booleanToString(boolean x){
if (x) {
return "heads";
else {
return "tails";
public static boolean coinToss(){
// Can you find the Math.random documentation in the Java API ?
// How about trying the "ask Google" method?
double randomNumber = Math.random(); // between 0 and 1
if (randomNumber>0.5) {
return true;
else {
return false;
// Print a line of dashes, i.e. " - - - - - - - - - "
public static void line(){
int iDashCount=20;
while (iDashCount>0){
System.out.print(" -");
System.out.println(" ");
// I get tired of typing "System.out.println".
// So this lets me just type "print".
public static void print(String s){
System.out.println("> "+s);
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