Recipe to generate the histograms in Excel: 1. Sort the data by gender, so we can select women or men. (drag to select all but headings, use Data/Sort in the menus) 2. Under the Tools/AddIns menu, turn on Analysis Toolpack. 3. Under the Tools/Data Analysis menu, choose "Descriptive Statistics". Click in "Input Range", and then drag to select all the heights. Turn on "descriptive statistics", and choose "new sheet". Click OK. 4. In the new sheet you now have a summary of the heights: min/max/... Type a column of bins for the histogram: 48, 50, 52, ..., 80 will work. 5. Now create the frequency counts of how many heights per bin. Under Tools/Data Analysis, choose "Histogram". Click in "Input Range". Drag to select the men's heights. Click in "Bin Range". Drag through the columns of bins 48,... you typed. Click in "Output", and click on a cell where you want the results. Click OK 6.Repeat 5. for the women. 7.Use the "Chart Wizard" to make a Bar Graph of the men's counts, women's counts, or both on the same graph. The "Series" tab lets you put more than one item on the plot. The X axis numbers are set in the "Category X Labels".