Problem 1


Express the number of seconds in a year in hexadecimal form.[Hint:use Help to find functions which manipulate bases and note that hexadecimal form describes a number represented in base 16.]


I found the function I wanted by searching ?*Base*, as below.  I left the names of the units in to make it clear that they canceled out.

RowBox[{BaseForm, [, RowBox[{RowBox[{(60 sec/min), (60 min/hr), (24 hr/day), RowBox[{(, RowBox[{365.25,  , day/yr}], )}]}], ,, 16}], ]}]

((1.e188_16 × 16^6) sec)/yr

? *Base*

BaseForm BoxBaselineShift GridBaseline $BaseDirectory
Baseline CellBaseline ScriptBaselineShifts $UserBaseDirectory

Created by Mathematica  (September 13, 2004)