Version 3 of a demo database application.


 Having several versions of a perl package with
 the same name being included by multiple people
 in the same persistent perl environment is a bad idea - 
 strange things start to happen.

 If/when you copy this code to your own directory
 to play with, please change the name
 to something else.

 I've also seen some apparently weird behavior 
 when the persistent perl doesn't load the most recent
 version of an edited .pm file; in some case, stopping
 and re-starting Apache has helped.

  - Jim M.

The pieces include %# ========================================================================= %# <%args> $action => '' %# <%init> my $initdb_message = ''; if ( $action =~ /initdb/ ){ chdir $m->base_comp->source_dir; # make sure we're in this directory `./init_db`; # run the database initialization script. $initdb_message = qq{

OK, the database is now initialized.
}; }