
You have stumbled upon the Hallowed Realms Colloseum! Within this site you can create combatants, view existing combatants and their records, select two combatants and have them fight. All the while you can watch the combatant you create gain more power as he wins more fights, enabling him/her to challenge stronger opponents.

To begin exploring this site, please click the links to the left. Here is a synopsis of where the links will lead you:

Home: This link takes you to this page, in case you wish to return here.
Colloseum: This link takes you to the colloseum where you can select two combatants to fight it out.
Records: This link takes you to a page that lets you search the records of a particular combatant (if you know the name) or see the records of all combatants.
Lists: This link takes you to the page that allows you to create your own combatant! As long as you come up with a unique name, you can make a new combatant.
Links: This link takes you ta a page of external links. Links to be featured here have yet to be determined.
Project Details: This link will provide you with an entryway to all the work for the programming and creation of this site, the database, and the code that interacts with the database.