Colloseum Lists
Welcome to the Hallowed Realms Colloseum lists. Here you
can register a new combatant to compete in the colloseum
against other combatants. To begin making a new combatant
just enter a name below and check to see if your name is
unique. If your name is unique, you will be automatically
sent to a page to continue registration of your combatant.
Otherwise, you will come back to this page and can try
choosing a new name.
% if ($warn) {
<% $warn %>
% }
<& $show_this &>
$name_ok => ''
$new_name => ''
$show_this => ''
$warn => ''
$make_new => ''
$upto => ''
$last_bio => ''
@valid_names => ''
$counter => 1
$age => ''
$hgt_Ft => ''
$hgt_In => ''
$height => ''
$wght => ''
$skin => ''
$sex => ''
$hair => ''
$eyes => ''
%stats => ()
$power => ''
$quickness => ''
$toughness => ''
$intellect => ''
$will => ''
$presense => ''
$offense => ''
$guard => ''
$hit_points => ''
$exp_bonus => ''
$crit => ''
$min_damage => ''
$max_damage => ''
($last_bio) = Combatant->search(bio => $counter);
if ($last_bio->name ne $new_name) {
while ($last_bio && $counter <= 50) {
($last_bio) = Combatant->search(bio => $counter);
use CGI qw(:standard);
$upto = param('doing') || 'nothing';
if ($upto eq 'nothing') {
$show_this = "new_name.html";
$warn = "Something messed up, and now you have to start over... sorry.";
if ($upto eq 'check_name') {
$new_name = param('new_name') || '1q2w3e4r5t6y7u8i9o0p';
if ($new_name eq '1q2w3e4r5t6y7u8i9o0p') { $show_this = "new_name.html"; }
else {
($name_ok) = Combatant->search(name => $new_name);
if (not $name_ok) {
$show_this = "new_char.html";
# $make_new = Combatant->create( {name => $new_name, bio => $counter, stats => $counter,
# combatstats => $counter, record => $counter, appearance => $counter} );
# if (not $make_new) { $warn = "There was a database error, and new entry not created..."; }
} else {
$show_this = "new_name.html";
$warn = "$new_name is already taken! Try another name.";
if ($upto eq 'new_bio') {
$show_this = "new_stats.html";
$hgt_Ft = param('hgt_Ft'); $hgt_In = param('hgt_In');
$height = ($hgt_Ft*12)+$hgt_In;
$age = param('age'); $wght = param('wght'); $skin = param('skin'); $hair = param('hair'); $eyes = param('eyes'); $sex = param('sex');
($make_new) = Biography->search( {id => $counter} );
if (not $make_new) {
$make_new = Biography->create( {id => $counter, height => $height, weight => $wght, age => $age} );
$hair =~ s/Brown/1/; $hair =~ s/Blonde/2/; $hair =~ s/Red/3/;
$hair =~ s/Black/4/; $hair =~ s/Silver/5/; $hair =~ s/White/6/;
$eyes =~ s/Red/1/; $eyes =~ s/Blue/2/; $eyes =~ s/Green/3/; $eyes =~ s/Brown/4/;
$skin =~ s/Pale/1/; $skin =~ s/Light Tan/2/; $skin =~ s/Medium Tan/3/;
$skin =~ s/Dark Tan/4/; $skin =~ s/Fair/5/; $skin =~ s/Black/6/;
$sex =~ s/Male/1/; $sex =~ s/Female/2/;
# print "hair = $hair\neyes = $eyes\nskin = $skin\nsex = $sex\n";
($make_new) = Appearance->search( {id => $counter} );
if (not $make_new) {
$make_new = Appearance->create( {id => $counter, hair => $hair, eyes => $eyes, skin => $skin, gender => $sex} );
if ($upto eq 'new_stats') {
$show_this = "new_display.html";
$power = param('power');
$quickness = param('quick');
$toughness = param('tough');
$intellect = param('intel');
print "intellect = $intellect
power = $power
toughness = $toughness
# %stats = ( power => param('power'),
# quickness => param('quick'),
# toughness => param('tough'),
# intellect => param('intel'),
# will => param('Zwill'),
# presense => param('presn'),
# offense => param('offsn'),
# guard => param('guard'),
# min_damage => param('mndmg'),
# max_damage => param('mxdmg'),
# hit_points => param('hitpt'),
# exp_bonus => param('expbn'),
# crit_chance => param('crthc'),
# );
#print "stats{power} = $stats{toughness}
# $make_new = Stats->create( { id => $counter, power => $stats{power}, quickness => $stats{quickness},
# toughness => $stats{toughness}, intellect => $stats{intellect},
# will => $stats{will}, presense => $stats{presense} }
# );