Combat Records

Welcome to the combat records. Please select the name of the combatant whose combat record you wish to have displayed.
Combatant's Name:

Name Age Height Weight Hair Color Eye Color Skin Tone
<% $name %> <% $age %> <% $height %> <% $weight %> <% $hair %> <% $eyes %> <% $skin %>
Offense Guard Lvl Experience Max HP Pow Qui Tou Int Wil Pre
<% $offense %> <% $guard %> <% $level %> <% $exp %> <% $max_hp %> <% $pow %> <% $qui %> <% $tou %> <% $int %> <% $wil %> <% $pre %>
<%args> $name => '' $age => '' $height => '' $weight => '' $hair => '' $eyes => '' $skin => '' $offense => '' $guard => '' $level => '' $exp => '' $max_hp => '' $pow => '' $qui => '' $tou => '' $int => '' $wil => '' $pre => '' $name_ok => '' @f_l => () # @valid_names => ('Greg Hart', 'Marcus Lorai', 'Alise Orde', 'Mary Wilk') @valid_names => () $counter => 1 $name_list => '' $inc => '' <%init> ($name_list) = Combatant->search(appearance => $counter); while ($name_list && $counter <= 50) { push (@valid_names, $name_list->name); $counter++; ($name_list) = Combatant->search(appearance => $counter); } use CGI qw(:standard); $name = param('name') || 'Greg Hart'; if ($name =~ /\+/) { @f_l = split(/\+/, $name); $name = $f_l[0] . " " . $f_l[1]; } $inc = 0; while ($inc <= 3 && not $name_ok) { if ($name eq $valid_names[$inc]) { $name_ok = 1; } else { $name_ok = 0; } $inc++; } if (not $name_ok) { $name = 'Greg Hart'; } #use Colloseum; my ($hdl) = Combatant->search(name => $name); ($age) = $hdl->bio->age; ($height) = $hdl->bio->height; my $feet = int($height/12); my $inches = $height - ($feet*12); $height = $feet . "' " . $inches . "\""; ($weight) = $hdl->bio->weight; $weight .= " lbs"; ($hair) = $hdl->appearance->hair->color; ($eyes) = $hdl->appearance->eyes->color; ($skin) = $hdl->appearance->skin->tone; ($offense) = ($hdl->combatstats->attack) + ($hdl->combatstats->accuracy); ($guard) = ($hdl->combatstats->defense) + ($hdl->combatstats->evasion); ($level) = ($hdl->record->level); ($exp) = $hdl->record->experience; ($max_hp) = $hdl->combatstats->hit_points; ($pow) = $hdl->stats->power; ($qui) = $hdl->stats->quickness; ($tou) = $hdl->stats->toughness; ($int) = $hdl->stats->intellect; ($wil) = $hdl->stats->will; ($pre) = $hdl->stats->presense;