%# This is the default web page to visit. it displays the left, middle, and right %# colums of the body. it also sets up what album we are looking at, and what %# the image in the middle should look like. <& display_links , (album=>$album, links=>[@left_links]) &> <& display_middle , (main_picture=>$main_picture , album=>$album, title=>$title, description=>$description) &> <& display_links , (album=>$album, links=>[@right_links]) &> <%args> $album=>'' $main_picture=>'' $title=>'' $description=>'' $change_album=>'' <%init> my $loop; our $pictures; #if you are pased an album to move something to, make that the main image $album = $change_album if ($change_album); if ($change_album and $main_picture) { #move the album of a selected image if none is specified $pictures->change_album($main_picture,$change_album); #print "you are trying to change the album $change_album $main_picture
".$pictures->error; } else { #print "youa re not trying to change ablum
"; } #album list is gotten from the database my @album_list = $pictures->get_albums(); #default to the first album if none is specified, or the one given is invalid $album=$album_list[0] if ($album eq '' or $pictures->is_an_album($album) eq 0); #now, get the list of images from the database. my @picture_list=$pictures->get_pictures($album); #default the main picture if no valid image is passed in. $main_picture=($picture_list[0]) if ($main_picture eq '' or not $pictures->is_a_picture($main_picture,$album)); my @left_links; my @right_links; #now place half the images onto one aray, and the other half onto another my $number_of_images=@picture_list; for ($loop=0;$loop< ($number_of_images/2);$loop++) { push (@left_links , shift @picture_list); } #what you dont put on the left, put on the right @right_links=@picture_list;