Game Creation tutorial project idea: I think the best way to acquire and display the ability to create basic computer adventure games would be to program a Nethack/Angband-type of game. The premise is simple: the player is wandering around a randomly created dungeon labyrinth acquiring items and power by exploring the world and defeating monsters. Loose schedule: Week 1: World creation and basic actions. Look into some maze creation algorithms and get a player-controlled character to move through it. Week 2: AI implementation. Place monsters in the world and give them a variety of behaviors, from 'chase and attack' to 'avoid and shoot' (since attacking, shooting, etc. don't yet exist, these behaviors would only deal with movement). Week 3: Assign attributes. Assign the player and monsters hit points, attack strength, etc. Have these attributes fluctuate in response to events in the world. Week 4: Advanced world and attributes. Place items in the world and give the player the ability to pick them up, store them, and use them. Week 5: Advanced actions. Give players and monsters the ability to shoot with bows, cast spells, search for hidden doors, etc. Week 6: Make it pretty (or try). Add graphics and sound. Though I don't plan for this project to take the entire semester, some of these steps will take shorter or longer than a week. As I said, this is a loose schedule. Possible due date: The Friday after Spring Break (April 4th).