GridWorld is a perl package to run agents in a two dimensional environment, like the vacuum and wumps world in Russell & Norvig's AIMA text. I created the GridWorld/ directory and its contents with the command "h2xs -AXn GridWorld", and then just edited it. This sets up a directory in which you can do "perl Makefile.PL" and then "make install" or "make dist". Not to mention "pod2html GridWorld > GridWorld.html". The file defines two agents and runs them. The file shows an example of how to test things like; I haven't gone far with it yet. To run it, type "" at the command line, which loads up the module and runs two agents. The output of doing this is in Vacuum-out.txt, which I created with $ ./ > Vacuum-out.txt I haven't tried to print any pretty pictures - it took me too long to do this much. Maybe when we do the wumpus world I'll have it put out some HTML output with tables, so we can watch the agent wander around. Jim Mahoney Feb 3, 2003