Here are the recipes to some of the most successful mixed tapes I've made.
You can use these like you would any other recipe; you can either
follow them exactly or just use them as examples or starting
off points, adding your own ingredients and style.
Pretty Boy MixPretty Songs with Male Singers.Tape Length: 90 Minutes
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Yeah!An adrenaline rush. Generally fast, loud, and/or happy songs.Tape Length: 120 Minutes
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Haunting MixIt's all in the name...Songs in a minor key.Tape Length: 90 Minutes
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Machine MixMostly electronica and music done with things other than regular instrumentsTape Length: 90 Minutes
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Nostalgic MixSongs that put you in the mood to stroll down memory lane.Tape Length: 90 Minutes
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Pretty Boy Mix, Vol. 2MORE pretty songs with male singers.Tape Length: 110 Minutes
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