Welcome to the Monkey Fun Page

Where all your entertainment wishes can be answered. Hah!
Forgive me for the...lameness of some of the Mad Lib stories. I didn't have time to write my own, and I definitely didn't have time to read through the entire Mad Libs book and choose only the best stories. So...you get what you get. But you're a monkey, right? And monkeys don't care about stuff like that! You care about bananas and monkey cheese and monkey fun.

  Anywho...This is my final project. Hooray! I used TextPad for the writing and Mozilla for the numerous hours of Javascript debugging. I also used the DOM Inspector a little while I was trying to figure out the whole child/parent window thing. MAN can that all be confusing! Mostly the Javascript in the Monkey Fun Pages consists of image arrays. But I also, as mentioned above, use the child/parent window objects to transfer information from one window to another. Oh yes, and image rollovers. That's about it. I had a lot of fun doing it. Thanks again for the awesome class!

Your Monkeyish Entertainment

You can play any of a number of Mad Libs games by filling in the blanks and then reading your completed story.

You can create your own monster by selecting a head, torso, and legs, and giving it a name.

Maybe, some day, there will be more for you monkey types to entertain yourselves with. But, for now, this is it!