Bits implements an array of 0's and 1's with a few binary math operations and input/output formats.


  use Bits;
  $m = new Bits binary => '0011_0101_0001_1000';   # underbars optional
  $p = new Bits hex    => '61_62_6d_6e';           # ditto
  $n = new Bits number => 97;       
  $q = new Bits raw    => 'hello';
  print $q->as_hex;    # "68656c6c6f"; error if size isn't a multiple of 4
  print $n->as_text;   # "0110_0001";  same as "$n"
  print $p->as_raw;    #  "abmn"
  print $m->as_number; #  13592 ; same as 0+$m
  print $m->size;      # 16
  $m << 3;             # left shift 3 bits; wraps around
  $m >> 6;
  $r = $n ^ $m;
  print $r;            # "Oops: attempted Bits XOR on differing sizes"
  print $r->error;     # same; can be tested for error conditions.
  $m = new Bits binary => '1111';
  $n = new Bits binary => '0101';
  $p = $m . $n;        # concatenation = Bits->new( binary => '1111_0101')
  $q = $m ^ $n;        # binary xor
  my $z = $m->clone;   # deep copy
  print $z->get(0);    # 0'th bit of $z (indeces are like arrays: 0,1,2,...)
  $z->set(3,0);        # set 3rd bit of $z to 0.
  $x = new Bits binary => '1001';
  $y = $x->permute(1,0,3,2);          # "0110"
  $z = $x->permute(0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3);  # "1100_0011"


Run ``./'' to see the tests.

This hasn't been tested on large sizes or numbers; I'm just looking for the basics for now.

The $bit->set($index,$value) function gives an error (by setting $b->error) if either (a) the $index is smaller than 0 or larger than $bit->size()-1, or (b) the $value is anything other than a 0 or 1.

Not yet implemented :

 * $bits->permutate( @array );     # rearrange bits
 * $bits->reverse();
 * $bits->not() = ~ $bits;         # bitwise "not"
 * $bits->and($z) = $bits & $z;    # bitwise "and"
 * $bits->or($z) = $bits | $z;     # bitwise "or"
 * handle numbers bigger than perl's standard ints


Copyright 2005 Jim Mahoney, Marlboro College (

This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.