% unless ($session->user){
You can only see the attendance sheet if you're logged in
with your campus email username and password.
% } else {
%# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% foreach my $date (@fridays){
<%$date%> |
% }
% foreach my $student (@students){
% next if $student->name =~ /Amber/; # not for credit
<% $student->name %>
% for (@fridays){
% }
% }
(This is posted on the wall in Persons Auditorium.)
%# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% }
my @students = $session->course->students;
my @faculty = $session->course->faculty;
my @fridays = ('Jan 21', 'Jan 28',
'Feb 4', 'Feb 11', 'Feb 18', 'Feb 25',
'Mar 4', 'Mar 11',
'Apr 1', 'Apr 8', 'Apr 15', 'Apr 22', 'Apr 29',
my $all_emails;
$all_emails .= $_->email .',' for (@students, @faculty);
$Id: attendance.html 255 2005-02-28 17:49:13Z mahoney $