I don't have single quick-n-easy install script. But the pieces are here, and the steps are (1) Copy VTM.pm into one of your perl @INC folders. To find out where those libraries are, type $ perl -e 'print join("\n",@INC)' /usr/local/lib/site_perl ... which should print out a bunch of folders. On cs, I put it in /usr/local/lib/site_perl (2) Edit the first line vtm_perl so that it points to the location of your perl program. To find out where that is, type $ whereis perl /usr/bin/perl so on cs, the first line of vtm_perl is #!/usr/bin/perl (3) Copy vtm_perl /usr/local/bin or somewhere similar where it will be easily found. (4) Edit vtm.c to point to the full path of vtm_perl as you set it in (3). (5) Compile vtm.c : $ gcc vtm.c -o vtm (6) Finally, copy the vtm executable to /usr/local/bin $ sudo cp vtm /usr/local/bin/vtm If all of that is set up, then you should see $ whereis vtm /usr/local/bin/vtm $ vtm -h Usage: vtm [programfile] [switches] ...