Hey Jim, I just wanted to email and tell you that I'm with the class. I'm just feeling very overwhelmed and lost. I let to many assignments get away from me, and today I've felt totally stressed out and guilty about it. I enjoy what I've learned so far, which has been a lot. I just wanted to let you know that this weekend I will do my best to get in every assignment I missed. All day I have felt horrible about my performance in class, and I wanted to apologies for my tardiness on assignments. I have a hard to keeping things in line and I sometimes load up heavy on one class at a time as a method for focus. I'm dyslexic: logic, and math are not my strong suit. However, I do have a cool idea for the mid tream. I want to make an instructional page for chair caning. I've been caning chairs for a few years, and I want to eventually teach a tutorial here about it, and I could use a web page as a guide for students, or anyone interested in learning how to cane. As I don't have any chairs here to cane, and photographically document the process for web content, I might have to turn to other peoples photos on the Internet. However, this seems to be the wrong way of going about it. Another idea I had is to make a wikipeada type site for Neil young tab. A phish fan built a site a while ago which is just like wikipeadea only people can build tab for phish songs. I have always wanted to have a site for a number of bands music so that we can all edit tablature and each others tab as a means of learning to play music in a communal way. I am having a hard time focusing on the class work, and this might help me to pull it together. I just wanted you to know that I'm not blowing you off, I just had another class sucking the life out of me. now I give some life to your class.