Welcome to Rafael Hulme's site. This page is designed to keep my adoring fans abreast of my latest endevours.

You will find links to my art, a schedule of my upcoming dj shows and various other things that I think are cool. I have a gallery of my photography aswell as my friends. a link to my graphic design. I will eventually have a link to download live dj sets by me and my friends.

flowers (17K)

For those of you who dont know me, I am a student at a SMALL liberal arts college in Vermont, called Marlboro College. I am a hip hop Dj and run a dj night at a local wine bar. I am an amature photographer, fashion designer, graphic designer and I dabble in web design. I am currently studying documentary filmaking, writing, photography and internet design.

I was born in Melbourne, Australian, when I was five my mother re-married. I was moved to rural Vermont. I have lived on nantucket and very briefly in NYC. I am a country boy, with urban interests. I have been Djing for about seven years, I find it to be my biggest passion and enjoy it above all the other things I'm into.