package josx.platform.rcx; /** * A memory area for persistent storage. * The memory persists between runs of a program. Downloading * a new program will trash the area (unless you're very lucky). *

* The magic number should be different for each application * (use a random integer). *

* At the moment there can be only one PersistentMemoryArea, * that will be reinitialized if you change the magic number. * This may change in the future, with more than one area and * magic number used to distinguish them. *

* In case you experience problems, the specific restrictions are * as follows (which might help you fix the problem): *

  1. There can be only one persistent area of memory. *
  2. It will not survive an application reload unless it is exactly * the same application (which means the application is axactly the * same size, it uses the same magic number and the persistent area * is exactly the same size). *
  3. You can call PersistentMemoryArea.get(magic, size) exactly once * in any one run of an application. If you call it more than once you * will get an out-of-memory error. *
  4. There is a very remote chance that on the first run of an * application it will be falsely determined that the persistent area * already exists. For this to happen, the area of heap used will have * to contain an exact match for the magic number and size requested. *
*/ public class PersistentMemoryArea { // must be consistent with VM memory layout! private static final int REGION_HEADER_SIZE = 2; private static final int ARRAY_HEADER_SIZE = 4; private static final int IS_ALLOCATED_MASK = 0x8000; private static final int IS_ARRAY_MASK = 0x4000; private static final int ELEM_TYPE_SHIFT = 9; private static final int T_INT = 10; private static final int INT_SIZE = 4; private static int regionAddress; private static int blockHeaderAddress; private static int magicAddress; private static int sizeAddress; private static int startAddress; static { regionAddress = getRegionAddress(); blockHeaderAddress = regionAddress + REGION_HEADER_SIZE; magicAddress = blockHeaderAddress + ARRAY_HEADER_SIZE; sizeAddress = magicAddress+2; startAddress = sizeAddress+2; }; private static PersistentMemoryArea singleton = null; private int size; private PersistentMemoryArea () { } /** * Allocate a persistent array of 'size' bytes. If this is a new * array, the values are initialized to zero. * @param magic a 2 byte integer used to idenitfy the specific memory area. * @param size the size in bytes. This should be in the range 0 thru 511. * @exception OutOfMemoryError not enoug memory to allocate the array. */ public static PersistentMemoryArea get (int magic, int size) throws OutOfMemoryError { if (singleton == null) { synchronized (Memory.MONITOR) { // magic (2) + size (2) + round up (INT_SIZE-1) // arraySize is the size in 4 byte words of the array. int arraySize = (size + 4 + INT_SIZE-1)/INT_SIZE; // blockSize is the size in 2 byte words of the block. int blockSize = ARRAY_HEADER_SIZE / 2 + INT_SIZE * arraySize / 2; // blockHeader is the size in 2 byte words of this segment. short blockHeader = Memory.readShort ((short)blockHeaderAddress); if ((blockHeader & IS_ALLOCATED_MASK) != 0 || // too late for us blockSize > blockHeader || // not enough space left arraySize > 511) { // array would be too big throw new OutOfMemoryError(); } else { Memory.writeShort (blockHeaderAddress+2*blockSize, (short)(blockHeader-blockSize)); // write array header blockHeader = (short)(IS_ALLOCATED_MASK | IS_ARRAY_MASK | T_INT << ELEM_TYPE_SHIFT | arraySize); Memory.writeShort (blockHeaderAddress, blockHeader); if (Memory.readShort (magicAddress) != magic && Memory.readShort (sizeAddress) != size) { // not what we are looking for, need to reinitialize for (short i = 0; i < size; i++) { Memory.writeByte (startAddress+i, (byte)0); } Memory.writeShort (magicAddress, (short)magic); Memory.writeShort (sizeAddress, (short)size); } } } singleton = new PersistentMemoryArea (); singleton.size = size; } return singleton; } /** * Read the byte at index 'i' * @param i the index starting at 0. * @exception ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is * out of bounds. */ public byte readByte (int i) throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException { if (i >= 0 && i < size) { return Memory.readByte (startAddress+i); } else { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(); } } /** * Write a byte at index 'i' * @param i the index starting at 0. * @param b the byte value. * @exception ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is * out of bounds. */ public void writeByte (int i, byte b) throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException { if (i >= 0 && i < size) { Memory.writeByte (startAddress+i, (byte)b); } else { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(); } } /** * Returns the address of the start of the heap. */ private static native int getRegionAddress(); }