package josx.platform.rcx; /** * Low-level API for infra-red (IR) communication between * an RCX and the IR tower or between two RCXs. * For protocol details, Kekoa Proudfoot's Opcode Reference * is highly recommended. See Kekoa's * RCX Internals page. * Kekoa Proudfoot has also written a C based tool * (Send) * which you can use to send packets to the RCX. If you prefer * to write everything in Java, you should become familiar with the * Java Communications API. * Frameworks based on this API have already been developed * by Dario Laverde * (see RCXLoader) * and Scott Lewis (see RCXPort). * The Java Communications API is officially supported on Windows and Solaris. *

* Examples that use the leJOS Serial class can be found in: *


* The basic pattern for a Receiver is: *

* *

 *    byte[] packet = new byte[8];
 *    for (;;)
 *    {
 *      if (Serial.isPacketAvailable())
 *      {
 *        Serial.readPacket (packet);
 *        byte opcode = packet[0];
 *        if (opcode == AN_OPCODE)
 *          ...
 *          ...
 *        // Possibly send a response here
 *        packet = ~packet[0];
 *        Serial.sendPacket (packet, 0, PACKET_LENGTH);
 *      }
 *    }
* */ public class Serial { static final byte[] buffer = new byte[6]; // opcode + at most 5 data private static final byte[] iAuxBuffer = new byte[4]; private static final int iAuxBufferAddr = Memory.getDataAddress (iAuxBuffer); private static SerialListener[] iListeners = null; private static int iNumListeners; private static SerialListenerCaller singleton; private Serial() { } /** * Reads a packet received by the RCX, if one is available. * The first * byte in the buffer is the opcode. Opcode * 0x45 (Transfer Data) is received in a special way: If you * had previously called setDataBuffer(), packet data will * be copied into the buffer provided. Note the caveats regarding * setDataBuffer() use. * * @return The number of bytes received. * @see josx.platform.rcx.Serial#isPacketAvailable * @see josx.platform.rcx.Serial#setDataBuffer */ public static int readPacket (byte[] aBuffer) { synchronized (Memory.MONITOR) { // Receive packet data iAuxBuffer[2] = (byte) 0; ((short) 0x33b0, (short) Memory.getDataAddress (aBuffer), (short) aBuffer.length, (short) (iAuxBufferAddr + 2)); return (int) iAuxBuffer[2]; } } /** * Sets the buffer that will be used to save data * transferred with opcode 0x45.

* Note: This method must be used with caution. * A pointer to the data buffer is passed to the ROM * for asynchronous use. * If more data is received than can be stored in the * buffer, the VM's memory will be corrupted and * it will crash or at least misbehave. */ public static void setDataBuffer (byte[] aData) { // Set data pointer ((short) 0x327c, (short) 0x1771, (short) Memory.getDataAddress (aData), (short) 0); } /** * Checks to see if a packet is available. * Call this method before calling receivePacket. */ public static boolean isPacketAvailable() { synchronized (Memory.MONITOR) { // Check for data ((short) 0x3426, (short) (iAuxBufferAddr + 3), (short) 0); return (iAuxBuffer[3] != 0); } } /** * Sends a packet to the IR tower or another RCX. * In general, the IR tower will only receive responses * to messages it has sent. The call returns immediately. * @return false if a packet is already being sent. */ public static boolean sendPacket (byte[] aBuffer, int aOffset, int aLen) { if (isSending()) return false; ((short) 0x343e, (short) 0x1775, (short) 0, (short) (Memory.getDataAddress (aBuffer) + aOffset), (short) aLen); return true; } /** * Sets long range transmision. */ public static void setRangeLong() { ((short) 0x3250, (short) 0x1770); } /** * Sets short range transmision. */ public static void setRangeShort() { ((short) 0x3266, (short) 0x1770); } /** * Resets serial communications. It can be used * to disable buffers set with setDataBuffer. */ public native static void resetSerial(); /** * Return true if a message is being sent. */ public static boolean isSending() { return Memory.readByte(0xef93) != 0x4f; } /** * Wait until a message has been sent. */ public static void waitTillSent() throws InterruptedException { while (isSending()) { Thread.sleep(20); } } /** * Adds a listener of receive events. There can be at most * 4 listeners. */ public static synchronized void addSerialListener (SerialListener aListener) { if (iListeners == null) { iListeners = new SerialListener[4]; singleton = new SerialListenerCaller(); } iListeners[iNumListeners++] = aListener; ListenerThread.get().addSerialToMask(singleton); } /** * private static inner class which allows a ListenerCaller object * to be registered to call the Serial Listeners. */ private static class SerialListenerCaller implements ListenerCaller { public synchronized void callListeners() { int length = Serial.readPacket (Serial.buffer); for( int i = 0; i < Serial.iNumListeners; i++) { Serial.iListeners[i].packetAvailable (Serial.buffer, length); } } } }