package josx.robotics; /** * An activity that operates in coordination with other activities. * Only one activity can run at a time. * When an activity of a higher priority wants to run any activities * of a lower priority will be suppressed. Furthermore, if there is * already an activity of the same or lower priority running, that * activity will be stopped. *

* This is essentially an alternative way of implementing a Behavior or * Subsumption architecture. It is totally distinct from the Behavior * and Arbitrator classes and does not use either. *

* It works like this: *

  1. This class should be sub-classed and the action() method should * be implemented to perform the desired action. That may be to respond * to a change in a sensor, or it may be to cause the robot to wander * around (or anything else). * This method should call one of the pause() methods occasionally. In * particular if it wants to sleep or yield control it should call pause() * instead of sleep() or yield() or wait(). *
  2. An application should create instances of the sub-classes as needed, * set their priorities by calling setPriority() and then start them * by calling start(). *
  3. If an activity wants to run it should call activity.iWantToRun(), or * another class could call it. *
  4. If there is no higher priority activity * running when an activity become runnable, any activities of the same or * lower priority will be suppressed. In addition, if an activity was not * already running the action() method will be called in its own thread. *
  5. If an activity is already running when it is run again, pause() throws * an InterruptedException. It can do what it wants with that. An activity that * is run when a sensor is activated might want to restart action() from the * beginning for example. A background activity might just ignore it. *
  6. If a higher priority activity gets to run, pause() on this activity will * throw a StopException. This should not be caught so that the action() * method exits with that exception. *
* Note. A background activity should ensure that something makes it runnable * if it is stopped. The easiest way to do that is to override resetRunnable() * to call iWantToRun(). *

* Example: *

 * /**
 *  * When sensor one is pressed, run the motors in some pattern.
 *  */
 * class ControlMotors extends Activity implements SensorListener
 * {
 * 	public ControlMotors()
 * 	{
 * 		Sensor.S1.addSensorListener(this);
 * 	}
 * 	/**
 * 	 * Called when the sensor state changes (in some thread other than this one).
 * 	 */	
 * 	public void stateChanged(Sensor s, int old, int nu)
 * 	{
 * 		if (old > nu)
 * 			return;
 * 		iWantToRun();
 * 	}
 * 	/**
 * 	 * Encapsulates the actual activity we want to perform.
 * 	 *
 * 	 * @exception StopException if we are forcibly stopped.
 * 	 */
 * 	protected void action() throws StopException
 * 	{
 * 		boolean finished = false;
 * 		// Sit here until we are finished or we are forcibly halted.					
 * 		while (!finished)
 * 		{
 * 			try
 * 			{
 * 				// spin
 * 				Motor.C.forward();
 * 				Motor.A.backward();
 * 				// Wait for 0.25 secs, may throw InterruptedException
 * 				pause(250);
 * 				// Forward
 * 				Motor.A.forward();
 * 				// We are finished
 * 				finished = true;
 * 			} catch (InterruptedException ie)
 * 			{
 * 				// pause() was interrupted. Re-start from the beginning
 * 			}
 *		}
 *	}
 * }
* @author Paul Andrews */ public abstract class Activity extends ActivityBase { private static final StopException stopException = new StopException(); private static Activity runnable; /******* Methods that CAN be overridden in a derived class *******/ /** * Encapsulates the actual activity we want to perform. * Returns when complete or when stopped. * * @exception StopException when some other activity has stopped this one. */ protected abstract void action() throws StopException; /** * Reset the runnable activity. Normal activities should not * override this. Background activities can in order to request that * they become runnable. */ protected void resetRunnable() { if (runnable == this) runnable = null; } /******* Methods that CAN'T be overridden in a derived class *******/ /** * Call this if you want this activity to run. */ protected final void iWantToRun() { synchronized(monitor) { // Only one activity can actually run. if (runnable == null || this.getPriority() >= runnable.getPriority()) { // Wake up the thread represented by 'this'. // That is not necessarily the thread that is actually // executing iWantToRun(); runnable = this; this.interrupt(); // Tell everyone else to reset. monitor.notifyAll(); } // Otherwise, that's just too bad. } } /** * Thread entry point. Never returns. */ public final void run() { synchronized (monitor) { while (true) { try { // Call this here so that background activities can make // themselves runnable. resetRunnable(); // Wait until we become runnable try { pause(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} // Perform action. action(); // Execution complete. Could be other things waiting to go, // so reset them. They won't get to run until we release // the monitor in pause(); monitor.notifyAll(); } catch (StopException e) { // Execution stopped forcibly } } } } /** * Wait at most 'time' milliseconds. Returning * without an exception means continue the activity where it left off. * * @exception InterruptedException if we were made runnable whilst * we were running. This might indicate, for example, that a sensor * was pressed while we were still reacting to an earlier press. * Typically, an activity would want to restart execution of the * action() method from the beginning if that happened. * @exception StopException if we should stop executing altogether. */ protected final void pause(long time) throws InterruptedException, StopException { monitor.wait(time); if (runnable != this) throw stopException; } /** * Wait until we've either been made runnable or someone else has. * * @exception InterruptedException if we should restart execution of the * action() method from the beginning. * @exception StopException if we should stop executing altogether. */ protected final void pause() throws InterruptedException, StopException { monitor.wait(); if (runnable != this) throw stopException; } }