package js.classfile; import*; public class JAttribute implements IDumpable { private byte iInfo[]; private JCPE_Utf8 iName; protected JConstantPool iConstantPool; JAttribute (JConstantPool aConstantPool) { iConstantPool = aConstantPool; } public JAttribute (JConstantPool aConstantPool, JCPE_Utf8 aName, byte aInfo[]) { iConstantPool = aConstantPool; iName = (JCPE_Utf8) iConstantPool.getEntry (aName); iInfo = aInfo; } public JAttribute (JConstantPool aConstantPool, String aName, byte aInfo[]) { this (aConstantPool, new JCPE_Utf8 (aName), aInfo); } public JAttribute (JConstantPool aConstantPool, String aName) { this (aConstantPool, aName, null); } public String toString() { return iName.toString(); } public void setInfo (byte aInfo[]) { iInfo = aInfo; } public byte[] getInfo() { return iInfo; } public void setName (JCPE_Utf8 aName) { iName = (JCPE_Utf8) iConstantPool.getEntry (aName); } public void setName (String aName) { setName (new JCPE_Utf8 (aName)); } public JCPE_Utf8 getName() { return iName; } public int length() throws Exception { if (iInfo == null) return 6; return 6 + iInfo.length; } public boolean equals (Object aObj) { if (aObj instanceof JAttribute) return (iName.equals (((JAttribute) aObj).iName) && iInfo.equals (((JAttribute) aObj).iInfo)); return false; } public void dump (OutputStream aOut) throws Exception { int pNameIndex = iName.getEntryNumber(); JIO.writeU2 (aOut, pNameIndex); JIO.writeU4 (aOut, iInfo.length); aOut.write (iInfo, 0, iInfo.length); } /** Reads only the name (index) of the attribute. */ public String readName (InputStream aIn) throws Exception { int pNameIndex = JIO.readU2 (aIn); iName = (JCPE_Utf8) iConstantPool.getEntry (pNameIndex); return iName.toString(); } /** Reads everything after the name; that is, the part of the attribute that starts at attribute_length. */ public void readInfo (InputStream aIn) throws Exception { int pLength = JIO.readU4 (aIn); iInfo = new byte[pLength]; int pRead = 0; do { pRead += (iInfo, pRead, pLength - pRead); } while (pRead < pLength); } /** Reads the entire attribute from an InputStream. */ public void read (InputStream aIn) throws Exception { int pNameIndex = JIO.readU2 (aIn); iName = (JCPE_Utf8) iConstantPool.getEntry (pNameIndex); readInfo (aIn); } }