package js.classfile; import*; import java.lang.reflect.*; /** Instances of JClassFile represent a memory image of a parsed class file. The structure of a JClassFile instance consists of flags (int), fields (JTable of JComponent), methods (JTable of JComponent), interfaces (JTable of JCP_Index), attributes (JTable of JAttribute) and a constant pool, i.e. an instance of JConstantPool. An instance of JClassFile can be constructed, and can be invoked to read and parse a class file. The internal structure of a JClassFile instance can also be constructed manually by invoking some of its methods. The JClassFile instance can then be turned into a class file by invoking JClassFile.dump(). */ public class JClassFile implements IDumpable, IConstants { private int iFlags; private JTable iFields; private JTable iMethods; private JTable iInterfaces; private JTable iAttributes; private JConstantPool iConstantPool; private JCP_Index iThisClass; private JCP_Index iSuperClass; public static final int ACC_PUBLIC = 0x0001; public static final int ACC_PRIVATE = 0x0002; public static final int ACC_PROTECTED = 0x0004; public static final int ACC_STATIC = 0x0008; public static final int ACC_FINAL = 0x0010; public static final int ACC_SYNCHRONIZED = 0x0020; public static final int ACC_VOLATILE = 0x0040; public static final int ACC_TRANSIENT = 0x0080; public static final int ACC_NATIVE = 0x0100; public static final int ACC_INTERFACE = 0x0200; public static final int ACC_ABSTRACT = 0x0400; public static final int kMinorVersion = 3; public static final int kMajorVersion = 45; public JClassFile() { iConstantPool = new JConstantPool(); iFlags = 0; iFields = new JFieldTable(iConstantPool); iMethods = new JMethodTable(iConstantPool); iInterfaces = new JIndexTable(iConstantPool); iAttributes = new JAttributeTable(iConstantPool); iThisClass = null; iSuperClass = null; } public JCPE_Class getSuperClass() { return (JCPE_Class) iSuperClass.getEntry(); } public JCPE_Class getThisClass() { return (JCPE_Class) iThisClass.getEntry(); } public String getName() { return getThisClass().getName().toString(); } public void addMethod (JMethod aMethod) throws Exception { iMethods.add (aMethod); } public void addConstructor (JConstructor aMethod) throws Exception { iMethods.add (aMethod); } public void addStatic (JStatic aMethod) throws Exception { iMethods.add (aMethod); } public void addField (JField aField) throws Exception { iFields.add (aField); } public JMethod getMethod (Method aMethod) throws Exception { return new JMethod (iConstantPool, aMethod); } public JTable getMethods() { return iMethods; } public JTable getFields() { return iFields; } public JConstructor getConstructor (Constructor aConstructor) throws Exception { return new JConstructor (iConstantPool, aConstructor); } public void setSuperClass (JCP_Index aIndex) { iSuperClass = aIndex; } public void setSuperClass (String aName) throws Exception { JCPE_Class pClass = new JCPE_Class (iConstantPool, aName); iSuperClass = new JCP_Index (iConstantPool, pClass); } public void setSuperClass (Class aClass) throws Exception { setSuperClass (aClass.getName()); } public void setThisClass (JCP_Index aIndex) { iThisClass = aIndex; } public void setThisClass (String aName) throws Exception { JCPE_Class pClass = new JCPE_Class (iConstantPool, aName); iThisClass = new JCP_Index (iConstantPool, pClass); } public void addInterface (JCP_Index aEntry) throws Exception { iInterfaces.add (aEntry); } public void addInterface (String aName) throws Exception { JCPE_Class pClass = new JCPE_Class (iConstantPool, aName); iInterfaces.add (new JCP_Index (iConstantPool, pClass)); } public JConstantPool getConstantPool() { return iConstantPool; } public void setFlags (int aFlags) { iFlags = aFlags; } public void addFlags (int aFlags) { iFlags |= aFlags; } public JCPE_Methodref getConstructorref (Class aClass, Constructor aCons) throws Exception { return (JCPE_Methodref) iConstantPool.getEntry ( new JCPE_Methodref (iConstantPool, aClass, aCons)); } public JCPE_Methodref getMethodref (Class aClass, Method aMeth) throws Exception { return (JCPE_Methodref) iConstantPool.getEntry ( new JCPE_Methodref (iConstantPool, aClass, aMeth)); } private void dumpMagicAndVersions (OutputStream aOut) throws Exception { JIO.writeU4 (aOut, 0xCAFEBABE); JIO.writeU2 (aOut, kMinorVersion); JIO.writeU2 (aOut, kMajorVersion); } public final void dump (OutputStream aOut) throws Exception { dumpMagicAndVersions (aOut); iConstantPool.dump (aOut); // also numbers entries JIO.writeU2 (aOut, iFlags); if (iThisClass == null) throw new EClassFileFormat ("ThisClass has not been set"); iThisClass.dump (aOut); if (iSuperClass == null) throw new EClassFileFormat ("SuperClass has not been set"); iSuperClass.dump (aOut); iInterfaces.dump (aOut); iFields.dump (aOut); iMethods.dump (aOut); iAttributes.dump (aOut); } private void readMagicAndVersions (InputStream aIn) throws Exception { int pMagic = JIO.readU4 (aIn); if (pMagic != 0xCAFEBABE) throw new EClassFileFormat ("Magic Number is " + pMagic); int pMinorVersion = JIO.readU2 (aIn); int pMajorVersion = JIO.readU2 (aIn); if (pMinorVersion != kMinorVersion || pMajorVersion != kMajorVersion) throw new EClassFileFormat ("Version not recognized: " + pMajorVersion + "." + pMinorVersion); } private void readAccessFlags (InputStream aIn) throws Exception { iFlags = JIO.readU2 (aIn); } private void readThisClass (InputStream aIn) throws Exception { if (iThisClass == null) iThisClass = new JCP_Index (iConstantPool); (aIn); } private void readSuperClass (InputStream aIn) throws Exception { if (iSuperClass == null) iSuperClass = new JCP_Index (iConstantPool); (aIn); } public final void read (InputStream aIn) throws Exception { readMagicAndVersions (aIn); (aIn); //System.out.println (iConstantPool); if (DEBUG_READ) System.out.println ("# Reading access flags"); readAccessFlags (aIn); if (DEBUG_READ) System.out.println ("# Access flags = " + iFlags); readThisClass (aIn); if (DEBUG_READ) System.out.println ("# Reading superclass"); readSuperClass (aIn); if (DEBUG_READ) System.out.println ("# Reading interfaces"); (aIn); if (DEBUG_READ) System.out.println ("# Reading fields"); (aIn); if (DEBUG_READ) System.out.println ("# Reading methods"); (aIn); if (DEBUG_READ) System.out.println ("# Reading attributes"); (aIn); // JDK 1.2 doesn't like this: // if (aIn.available() != 0) // throw new EExtraBytes ("Extra bytes in input stream of class file"); } public boolean isInterface() { return (iFlags & ACC_INTERFACE) != 0; } public String toString() { return "Major Version: " + kMajorVersion + "\n" + "Minor Version: " + kMinorVersion + "\n" + "Flags: " + iFlags + "\n" + "This Class: " + iThisClass.toString() + "\n" + "Superclass: " + iSuperClass.toString() + "\n" + "Interfaces: " + iInterfaces.toString() + "\n" + "Fields:\n" + iFields.toString() + "\n" + "Methods:\n" + iMethods.toString() + "\n" + "Attrubutes:\n" + iAttributes.toString() + "\n" + "Constant pool:\n" + iConstantPool.toString(); } }