package js.tinyvm; import*; import java.util.*; import js.classfile.*; /** * Abstraction for a class record (see vmsrc/language.h). */ public class ClassRecord implements WritableData, Constants { int iIndex = -1; String iName; /** * On-demand size of the class. */ int iClassSize = -1; JClassFile iCF; Binary iBinary; final EnumerableSet iMethodTable = new EnumerableSet(); final RecordTable iInstanceFields = new Sequence(); final Hashtable iStaticValues = new Hashtable(); final Hashtable iStaticFields = new Hashtable(); final Hashtable iMethods = new Hashtable(); final Vector iUsedMethods = new Vector(); int iParentClassIndex; int iArrayElementType; int iFlags; boolean iUseAllMethods = false; public void useAllMethods() { iUseAllMethods = true; } public String getName() { return iCF.getName(); } public int getLength() { return IOUtilities.adjustedSize ( 2 + // class size 2 + // method table offset 2 + // instance field table offset 1 + // number of fields 1 + // number of methods 1 + // parent class 1, // flags 2); } public void dump (ByteWriter aOut) throws Exception { int pAllocSize = getAllocationSize(); Assertion.test (pAllocSize != 0); aOut.writeU2 (pAllocSize); int pMethodTableOffset = iMethodTable.getOffset(); aOut.writeU2 (pMethodTableOffset); aOut.writeU2 (iInstanceFields.getOffset()); int pNumFields = iInstanceFields.size(); if (pNumFields > MAX_FIELDS) { Assertion.fatal ("Class " + iName + ": No more than " + MAX_FIELDS + " fields expected."); } aOut.writeU1 (pNumFields); int pNumMethods = iMethodTable.size(); if (pNumMethods > MAX_METHODS) { Assertion.fatal ("Class " + iName + ": No more than " + MAX_METHODS + " methods expected."); } aOut.writeU1 (pNumMethods); aOut.writeU1 (iParentClassIndex); //aOut.writeU1 (iArrayElementType); aOut.writeU1 (iFlags); IOUtilities.writePadding (aOut, 2); } public boolean isArray() { // TBD: return false; } public boolean isInterface() { return iCF.isInterface(); } public boolean hasStaticInitializer() { Enumeration pEnum = iCF.getMethods().elements(); while (pEnum.hasMoreElements()) { JMethod pMethod = (JMethod) pEnum.nextElement(); if (pMethod.getName().toString().equals ("")) return true; } return false; } /** * (Call only after record has been processed). */ public boolean hasMethod (Signature aSignature, boolean aStatic) { MethodRecord pRec = (MethodRecord) iMethods.get (aSignature); if (pRec == null) return false; return ((pRec.getFlags() & M_STATIC) == 0) ^ aStatic; } public void initFlags() { iFlags = 0; if (isArray()) iFlags |= C_ARRAY; if (isInterface()) iFlags |= C_INTERFACE; if (hasStaticInitializer()) iFlags |= C_HASCLINIT; } /** * @return Number of words required for object allocation. */ public int getAllocationSize() { return (getClassSize() + 5) / 2; } /** * @return Number of bytes occupied by instance fields. */ public int getClassSize() { if (iClassSize != -1) return iClassSize; iClassSize = computeClassSize(); return iClassSize; } /** * @return The size of the class in 2-byte words, including * any VM space. This is the exact size required for * memory allocation. */ public int computeClassSize() { ClassRecord pParent = getParent(); int pSize = (pParent != null) ? pParent.getClassSize() : 0; Enumeration pEnum = iInstanceFields.elements(); while (pEnum.hasMoreElements()) { InstanceFieldRecord pRec = (InstanceFieldRecord) pEnum.nextElement(); pSize += pRec.getFieldSize(); } return pSize; } public ClassRecord getParent() { JCPE_Class pParent = iCF.getSuperClass(); if (pParent == null) return null; ClassRecord pRec = iBinary.getClassRecord (pParent.getName().toString()); return pRec; } public void initParent() { ClassRecord pRec = getParent(); if (pRec == null) { Assertion.test (iCF.getName().equals ("java/lang/Object")); iParentClassIndex = 0; } else { iParentClassIndex = iBinary.getClassIndex (pRec); Assertion.test (iParentClassIndex != -1); } } public void storeReferredClasses (Hashtable aClasses, RecordTable aClassRecords, ClassPath aClassPath, Vector aInterfaceMethods) throws Exception { Assertion.trace ("Processing CONSTANT_Class entries in " + iName); JConstantPool pPool = iCF.getConstantPool(); Enumeration pEntries = pPool.elements(); while (pEntries.hasMoreElements()) { JConstantPoolEntry pEntry = (JConstantPoolEntry) pEntries.nextElement(); //Utilities.trace (" " + pEntry.getClass().getName() + ": " + pEntry); if (pEntry instanceof JCPE_Class) { String pClassName = ((JCPE_Class) pEntry).getName(); if (pClassName.startsWith ("[")) { Assertion.trace ("Skipping array: " + pClassName); continue; } if (aClasses.get (pClassName) == null) { ClassRecord pRec = ClassRecord.getClassRecord (pClassName, aClassPath, iBinary); aClasses.put (pClassName, pRec); aClassRecords.add (pRec); } } else if (pEntry instanceof JCPE_Methodref) { // System.out.println(iName + " calls " + pEntry); JCPE_Class pClass = ((JCPE_Methodref) pEntry).getClassEntry(); ClassRecord pClassRec = (ClassRecord) aClasses.get(pClass.getName()); if (pClassRec == null) { pClassRec = ClassRecord.getClassRecord (pClass.getName(), aClassPath, iBinary); aClasses.put (pClass.getName(), pClassRec); aClassRecords.add (pClassRec); } pClassRec.addUsedMethod(((JCPE_Methodref) pEntry).getNameAndType().getName()+":"+((JCPE_Methodref) pEntry).getNameAndType().getDescriptor()); } else if (pEntry instanceof JCPE_InterfaceMethodref) { // System.out.println(iName + " calls interface method " + pEntry); aInterfaceMethods.add (((JCPE_InterfaceMethodref) pEntry).getNameAndType().getName()+":"+((JCPE_InterfaceMethodref) pEntry).getNameAndType().getDescriptor()); } else if (pEntry instanceof JCPE_NameAndType) { if (((JCPE_NameAndType) pEntry).getDescriptor().substring(0,1).equals("(")) { if (!((JCPE_NameAndType) pEntry).getName().substring(0,1).equals("<")) { // System.out.println("Method by variable: " + ((JCPE_NameAndType) pEntry).getName()+":"+((JCPE_NameAndType) pEntry).getDescriptor()); aInterfaceMethods.add (((JCPE_NameAndType) pEntry).getName()+":"+((JCPE_NameAndType) pEntry).getDescriptor()); } } } } } public void addUsedMethod(String aRef) { iUsedMethods.add(aRef); } public static String cpEntryId (JConstantPoolEntry aEntry) { String pClassName = aEntry.getClass().getName(); int pDotIdx = pClassName.lastIndexOf ('.'); return pDotIdx == -1 ? pClassName : pClassName.substring (pDotIdx + 1); } MethodRecord getMethodRecord (Signature aSig) { return (MethodRecord) iMethods.get (aSig); } MethodRecord getVirtualMethodRecord (Signature aSig) { MethodRecord pRec = getMethodRecord (aSig); if (pRec != null) return pRec; ClassRecord pParent = getParent(); if (pParent == null) return null; return pParent.getVirtualMethodRecord (aSig); } int getMethodIndex (MethodRecord aRecord) { return iMethodTable.indexOf (aRecord); } int getApparentInstanceFieldOffset (String aName) { ClassRecord pParent = getParent(); int pOffset = (pParent != null) ? pParent.getClassSize() : 0; Enumeration pEnum = iInstanceFields.elements(); while (pEnum.hasMoreElements()) { InstanceFieldRecord pRec = (InstanceFieldRecord) pEnum.nextElement(); if (pRec.getName().equals (aName)) return pOffset; pOffset += pRec.getFieldSize(); } return -1; } public int getInstanceFieldOffset (String aName) { return getApparentInstanceFieldOffset (aName) + 4; } /** * @return Offset relative to the start of the * static state block. */ public int getStaticFieldOffset (String aName) { StaticValue pValue = (StaticValue) iStaticValues.get (aName); if (pValue == null) return -1; return pValue.getOffset() - iBinary.iStaticState.getOffset(); } public int getStaticFieldIndex (String aName) { StaticFieldRecord pRecord = (StaticFieldRecord) iStaticFields.get (aName); if (pRecord == null) return -1; // TBD: This indexOf call is slow return ((Sequence) iBinary.iStaticFields).indexOf (pRecord); } public void storeConstants (RecordTable aConstantTable, RecordTable aConstantValues) { Assertion.trace ("Processing other constants in " + iName); EnumerableSet pConstantSet = (EnumerableSet) aConstantTable; JConstantPool pPool = iCF.getConstantPool(); Enumeration pEntries = pPool.elements(); while (pEntries.hasMoreElements()) { JConstantPoolEntry pEntry = (JConstantPoolEntry) pEntries.nextElement(); if (pEntry instanceof JCPE_String || pEntry instanceof JCPE_Double || pEntry instanceof JCPE_Float || pEntry instanceof JCPE_Integer || pEntry instanceof JCPE_Long) { // System.out.println ("$@ " + iName + " JCPE_String: " + pEntry); ConstantRecord pRec = new ConstantRecord (pEntry); if (!pConstantSet.contains (pRec)) { // System.out.println ("$@ " + System.identityHashCode(pRec) + " Inserted value"); ConstantValue pValue = new ConstantValue (pEntry); pRec.setConstantValue (pValue); pConstantSet.add (pRec); aConstantValues.add (pValue); } } } } public void storeMethods (RecordTable aMethodTables, RecordTable aExceptionTables, HashVector aSignatures, boolean aAll) { Assertion.trace ("Processing methods in " + iName); Enumeration pEntries = iCF.getMethods().elements(); while (pEntries.hasMoreElements()) { JMethod pMethod = (JMethod) pEntries.nextElement(); Signature pSignature = new Signature (pMethod.getName(), pMethod.getDescriptor()); String meth = pMethod.getName() + ":" +pMethod.getDescriptor(); if (aAll || iUseAllMethods || iUsedMethods.indexOf(meth) >= 0 || pMethod.getName().substring(0,1).equals("<") || meth.equals("run:()V")) { //System.out.println("Adding Method " + meth + " for class " + iName + " length " + iName.length() + " used " + iUsedMethods.indexOf(meth)); MethodRecord pMethodRecord = new MethodRecord (pMethod, pSignature, this, iBinary, aExceptionTables, aSignatures); iMethodTable.add (pMethodRecord); iMethods.put (pSignature, pMethodRecord); } else Assertion.verbose(1, "Omitting " + meth + " for class " + iName); } aMethodTables.add (iMethodTable); } public void storeFields (RecordTable aInstanceFieldTables, RecordTable aStaticFields, RecordTable aStaticState) { Assertion.trace ("Processing methods in " + iName); Enumeration pEntries = iCF.getFields().elements(); while (pEntries.hasMoreElements()) { JField pField = (JField) pEntries.nextElement(); if (pField.isStatic()) { StaticValue pValue = new StaticValue (pField); StaticFieldRecord pRec = new StaticFieldRecord (pField, this); String pName = pField.getName().toString(); Assertion.test (!iStaticValues.containsKey (pName)); iStaticValues.put (pName, pValue); iStaticFields.put (pName, pRec); aStaticState.add (pValue); aStaticFields.add (pRec); } else { iInstanceFields.add (new InstanceFieldRecord ( pField)); } } aInstanceFieldTables.add (iInstanceFields); } public void storeCode (RecordTable aCodeSequences, boolean aPostProcess) { Enumeration pMethods = iMethodTable.elements(); while (pMethods.hasMoreElements()) { MethodRecord pRec = (MethodRecord) pMethods.nextElement(); if (aPostProcess) pRec.postProcessCode (aCodeSequences, iCF, iBinary); else pRec.copyCode (aCodeSequences, iCF, iBinary); } } public static ClassRecord getClassRecord (String aName, ClassPath aCP, Binary aBinary) throws Exception { InputStream pIn = aCP.getInputStream (aName); if (pIn == null) { Assertion.fatal ("Class " + aName.replace ('/', '.') + " (file " + aName + ".class) not found in CLASSPATH: " + aCP); } ClassRecord pCR = new ClassRecord(); pCR.iBinary = aBinary; pCR.iCF = new JClassFile(); pCR.iName = aName; InputStream pBufIn = new BufferedInputStream (pIn, 4096); try { (pBufIn); } catch (Throwable t) { System.err.println ("Exception reading " + aName); t.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } pBufIn.close(); return pCR; } public String toString() { return iName; } public int hashCode() { return iName.hashCode(); } public boolean equals (Object aObj) { if (!(aObj instanceof ClassRecord)) return false; ClassRecord pOther = (ClassRecord) aObj; return pOther.iName.equals (iName); } }