package js.tinyvm; import*; import java.util.*; import js.classfile.*; public class ConstantValue extends WritableDataWithOffset { JConstantPoolEntry iEntry; public ConstantValue (JConstantPoolEntry aEntry) { iEntry = aEntry; } public int getLength() { if (iEntry instanceof JCPE_String) { JCPE_Utf8 pValue = ((JCPE_String) iEntry).getValue(); return pValue.getSize(); } else if (iEntry instanceof JCPE_Integer) { return 4; } else if (iEntry instanceof JCPE_Long) { return 8; } else if (iEntry instanceof JCPE_Double) { return 8; } else if (iEntry instanceof JCPE_Float) { return 4; } else { Assertion.test (false); return 0; } } public void dump (ByteWriter aOut) throws Exception { // Constant values must be dumped in Big Endian order. DataOutputStream pDataOut = (DataOutputStream) aOut; if (iEntry instanceof JCPE_String) { JCPE_Utf8 pValue = ((JCPE_String) iEntry).getValue(); byte[] pBytes = pValue.getBytes(); pDataOut.write (pBytes, 0, pBytes.length); } else if (iEntry instanceof JCPE_Integer) { int pValue = ((JCPE_Integer) iEntry).getValue(); pDataOut.writeInt (pValue); } else if (iEntry instanceof JCPE_Long) { long pValue = ((JCPE_Long) iEntry).getValue(); int pIntValue = (int) pValue; if (pIntValue != pValue) System.out.println ("Warning: Long " + pValue + "L truncated to " + pIntValue + "."); pDataOut.writeInt (0); pDataOut.writeInt (pIntValue); } else if (iEntry instanceof JCPE_Double) { double pDoubleValue = ((JCPE_Double) iEntry).getValue(); float pValue = (float) pDoubleValue; if (pDoubleValue != 0.0 && Math.abs ((pDoubleValue - pValue) / pDoubleValue) > 0.1) { System.out.println ("Warning: Double " + pDoubleValue + " truncated to " + pValue + "f."); } pDataOut.writeInt (0); pDataOut.writeInt (Float.floatToIntBits (pValue)); } else if (iEntry instanceof JCPE_Float) { float pValue = (float) ((JCPE_Float) iEntry).getValue(); //System.out.println ("$$ " + pValue + ": " + Integer.toHexString ((Float.floatToIntBits (pValue))) + " $offset = " + getOffset()); pDataOut.writeInt (Float.floatToIntBits (pValue)); } else { Assertion.test (false); } } public boolean equals (Object aOther) { return (aOther == this); } public int hashCode() { return System.identityHashCode (this); } }