package js.tinyvm; import*; import java.util.*; import js.classfile.*; public class TinyVM implements Constants { static final String CP_PROPERTY = "tinyvm.class.path"; static final String WO_PROPERTY = "tinyvm.write.order"; static final String TINYVM_HOME = System.getProperty ("tinyvm.home"); static final String TINYVM_LOADER = System.getProperty ("tinyvm.loader"); static final String TEMP_DIR = System.getProperty ("temp.dir"); static final String TEMP_FILE = "__tinyvm__temp.tvm__"; static String iClassPath = System.getProperty (CP_PROPERTY); static String iWriteOrder = System.getProperty (WO_PROPERTY); static String iOutputFile; static boolean iDoDownload = false; static boolean iDumpFile = false; static boolean iDumpGameboyRom = false; static boolean iAll = false; private static class Option { String iOption; String iArgument; public String toString() { return iOption + " " + iArgument; } } public static void invokeTvm (String aFileName) { Assertion.test (TINYVM_HOME != null); Assertion.test (TINYVM_LOADER != null); String pTvmExec = TINYVM_HOME + File.separator + "bin" + File.separator + TINYVM_LOADER; String[] pParams = new String[] { pTvmExec, aFileName }; try { Assertion.verbose (1, "Executing " + pTvmExec + " (downloading) ..."); Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec (pParams); pipeStream (p.getInputStream(), System.out); pipeStream (p.getErrorStream(), System.err); int pStatus; if ((pStatus = p.waitFor()) != 0) { System.err.println (TINYVM_LOADER + ": returned status " + pStatus + "."); } // Hack: Small wait to get all the output flushed. Thread.sleep (100); System.out.flush(); System.err.flush(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Assertion.fatal ("Execution of " + pTvmExec + " was interrupted."); } catch (IOException e) { Assertion.fatal ("Problem executing " + pTvmExec + ". " + "Apparently, the program was not found. "); } } static void pipeStream (final InputStream aIn, final OutputStream aOut) { Thread pThread = new Thread ("output-pipe") { public void run() { try { int c; for (;;) { c =; if (c == -1) Thread.sleep (1); else aOut.write (c); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }; pThread.setDaemon (true); pThread.start(); } static void main (String aClassList) throws Exception { Vector pVec = new Vector(); StringTokenizer pTok = new StringTokenizer (aClassList, ","); while (pTok.hasMoreTokens()) { String pClassName = pTok.nextToken(); pVec.addElement (pClassName.replace ('.', '/').trim()); } main (pVec); } static void main (Vector aEntryClasses) throws Exception { if (aEntryClasses.size() >= 256) Assertion.fatal ("Too many entry classes (max is 255!)"); ClassPath pCP = new ClassPath (iClassPath); Binary pBin = Binary.createFromClosureOf (aEntryClasses, pCP, iAll); int pNum = aEntryClasses.size(); for (int i = 0; i < pNum; i++) { String pName = (String) aEntryClasses.elementAt (i); if (!pBin.hasMain (pName)) Assertion.fatal ("Class " + pName + " doesn't have a " + "static void main(String[]) method"); } ByteArrayOutputStream pGbStream = null; OutputStream pBaseStream; if (iDumpGameboyRom) { pGbStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream (1024); pBaseStream = pGbStream; } else { if (iOutputFile == null) Assertion.fatal ("No ouput file specified. Use -d, -o or -gb"); pBaseStream = new FileOutputStream (iOutputFile); } OutputStream pOut = new BufferedOutputStream (pBaseStream, 4096); ByteWriter pBW = null; if ("BE".equals (iWriteOrder)) pBW = new BEDataOutputStream (pOut); else if ("LE".equals (iWriteOrder)) pBW = new LEDataOutputStream (pOut); else Assertion.fatal (WO_PROPERTY + " not BE or LE."); pBin.dump (pBW); pOut.close(); if (iDoDownload) { invokeTvm (TEMP_FILE); new File (TEMP_FILE).delete(); } if (iDumpGameboyRom) { GbMerger merger = new GbMerger (TEMP_DIR); merger.dumpRom (pGbStream.toByteArray(), (String) aEntryClasses.elementAt (0)); } } public static void processOptions (Vector aOptions) { int pSize = aOptions.size(); for (int i = 0; i < pSize; i++) { Option pOpt = (Option) aOptions.elementAt(i); Assertion.trace ("Option " + i + ": " + pOpt); if (pOpt.iOption.equals ("-classpath")) { iClassPath = pOpt.iArgument; } if (pOpt.iOption.equals ("-o")) { if (iDoDownload) Assertion.fatal ("You cannot specify both -d and -o options."); iDumpFile = true; iOutputFile = pOpt.iArgument; } else if (pOpt.iOption.equals ("-gb")) { iDumpGameboyRom = true; } else if (pOpt.iOption.equals ("-all")) { iAll = true; } else if (pOpt.iOption.equals ("-verbose")) { int pLevel = 1; try { pLevel = Integer.parseInt (pOpt.iArgument); } catch (Exception e) { if (Assertion.iTrace) e.printStackTrace(); } Assertion.setVerboseLevel (pLevel); } } if (!iDumpFile && !iDumpGameboyRom) { iDoDownload = true; iOutputFile = TEMP_FILE; } } public static void main (Vector aArgs, Vector aOptions) throws Exception { if (aArgs.size() != 1) { System.out.println (TOOL_NAME + " links and downloads a program."); System.out.println ("Use: " + TOOL_NAME + " [options] class1[,class2,...] [arg1 arg2 ...]"); System.out.println ("Options:"); System.out.println (" -o Dump binary into path (no download)"); System.out.println (" -verbose[=] Print class and signature information"); System.out.println (" -all Include all methods"); System.exit (1); } processOptions (aOptions); if (iClassPath == null) { Assertion.fatal ("Internal error: Classpath not defined. " + "Use either -classpath or property " + CP_PROPERTY); } main ((String) aArgs.elementAt (0)); } public static void main (String[] arg) throws Exception { Vector pRealArgs = new Vector(); Vector pOptions = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < arg.length; i++) { if (arg[i].startsWith ("-")) { Option pOption = new Option(); pOption.iOption = arg[i]; if (arg[i].startsWith ("-verbose=")) { pOption.iOption = "-verbose"; pOption.iArgument = arg[i].substring ("-verbose=".length()); } else if (arg[i].equals ("-classpath")) { pOption.iArgument = arg[++i]; Assertion.trace ("Got -classpath option: " + pOption.iArgument); } else if (arg[i].equals ("-o")) { pOption.iArgument = arg[++i]; Assertion.trace ("Got -o option: " + pOption.iArgument); } pOptions.addElement (pOption); } else pRealArgs.addElement (arg[i]); } main (pRealArgs, pOptions); } }