package; import*; /** * Java RCX firmware downloader - replaces lejosfirmdl */ public class Firmdl { private static final int SEGMENT_BREAK = 1024; private static final int IMAGE_START = 0x8000; private static final int IMAGE_MAXLEN = 0x8000; private static final int MAX_SEGMENTS = 2; private static FileReader fr = null; private static BufferedReader br = null; private static char [] readRecord() throws IOException { String s = br.readLine(); // System.err.println("Line = " + s); if (s == null) return null; else return s.toCharArray(); } /* * Returns number of images found. */ private static int srecLoad (Image image, int numimage_def, int maxlen) throws IOException { char [] buf; int line = 0; SRec srec = null; int segStartAddr = 0; int prevAddr = -SEGMENT_BREAK; int prevCount = SEGMENT_BREAK; int segIndex = -1; boolean strip = false; int imageIndex = -SEGMENT_BREAK; int length = 0, i; /* Read image file */ while ((buf = readRecord()) != null) { int error; line++; /* Skip blank lines */ for (i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) if (buf[i] != ' ') break; if (i == buf.length) continue; /* Decode line */ try { srec = new SRec(buf, buf.length); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.err.println("Error on line " + line + " : " + ioe.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } /* Detect Firm0309.lgo header, set strip if found */ if (srec.type == 0) { if (srec.count == 16) if ((new String("?LIB_VERSION_L00")) { System.err.println("Setting strip"); strip = true; } } /* Process s-record data */ else if (srec.type == 1) { /* Start of a new segment? */ if (srec.addr - prevAddr >= SEGMENT_BREAK) { segIndex++; image.segments[segIndex] = new Segment(); if (segIndex >= numimage_def) { System.err.println("Expected number of image_def exceeded"); System.exit(1); } image.segments[segIndex].length = 0; segStartAddr = srec.addr; prevAddr = srec.addr - prevCount; // System.err.println("Setting offset to " + (imageIndex + prevCount)); image.segments[segIndex].offset = imageIndex + prevCount; } if (srec.addr < IMAGE_START || srec.addr + srec.count > IMAGE_START + maxlen) { System.err.println("Address (" + srec.addr + ")out of bounds (srec) on line " + line); System.err.println("Count = " + srec.count); System.err.println("maxlen = " + maxlen); System.exit(1); } // Data is not necessarily contiguous so can't just accumulate srec.counts. image.segments[segIndex].length = srec.addr - segStartAddr + srec.count; imageIndex += srec.addr - prevAddr; // System.err.println("Image index = " + imageIndex); // System.err.println("Count = " + srec.count); for(i=0;i IMAGE_START + maxlen) { System.err.println("Address out of bounds (image) on line" + line); System.exit(1); } // System.err.println("Setting image entry point to " + srec.addr); image.entry = srec.addr; } } if (strip) { int pos; System.err.println("Stripping"); for (pos = IMAGE_MAXLEN - 1; pos >= 0 &&[pos] == 0; pos--) image.segments[segIndex].length--; } for (i = 0; i <= segIndex; i++) length += image.segments[segIndex].length; if (length == 0) { System.err.println("Image contains no data"); System.exit(1); } return segIndex+1; } public static String which(String className) { if (!className.startsWith("/")) { className = "/" + className; } className = className.replace('.', '/'); className = className + ".class"; classUrl = new Object().getClass().getResource(className); if (classUrl != null) { String s = classUrl.getFile(); int i = s.indexOf("lib/jtools.jar"); return s.substring("file:".length(), i); } else { System.err.println("Cannot locate lejos.srec"); System.exit(1); return null; } } public static void main(String [] args) throws IOException { String fileName; String tty = ""; Image image = new Image(); boolean usage = false, download = true;; // Find the lejos bin directory String dir = which(""); fileName = dir + "bin/lejos.srec"; // System.err.println(fileName); // Process args for(int i=0; i < args.length;i++) { if (args[i].equals("--tty") && i < args.length - 1) { tty = args[++i]; System.err.println("Setting tty = " + tty); } else if(args[i].length() > 6 && args[i].substring(0,6).equals("--tty=")) { tty = args[i].substring(6); System.err.println("Setting tty = " + tty); } else if (args[i].equals("--help") || args[i].equals("-h")) { usage = true; } else if (args[i].equals("--nodl") || args[i].equals("-n")) { download = false; } else if (args[i].equals("--debug")) { System.err.println("For debug output set RCXCOMM_DEBUG=Y"); System.exit(1); } else if (args[i].equals("--fast") || args[i].equals("-f")) { System.err.println("Fast mode not yet supported"); System.exit(1); } else usage = true; } if (usage) { System.err.println("usage: firmdl [options]"); System.err.println("--tty= assume tower connected to "); System.err.println("--tty=usb assume tower connected to usb"); System.err.println("-n, --nodl do not download image"); System.err.println("-h, --help display this message and exit"); System.err.println("For debug output set RCXCOMM_DEBUG=Y"); System.exit(1); } if (download); // Open the file try { fr = new FileReader(fileName); br = new BufferedReader(fr); } catch (FileNotFoundException fe) { System.err.println("File " + fileName + " not found"); System.exit(1); } // Load the s-record file int numImageDef = srecLoad(image, MAX_SEGMENTS, IMAGE_MAXLEN); int length = 0; for (int i=0; i < numImageDef; i++) { System.err.println("Segment " + i + " length = " + image.segments[i].length); length += image.segments[i].length; } br.close(); fr.close(); if (download) { Download.installFirmware(, length, image.entry); Download.close(); } } private static class Segment { public int length; public int offset; } private static class Image { public int entry; public Segment [] segments = new Segment[MAX_SEGMENTS]; public byte [] data = new byte[IMAGE_MAXLEN]; } }