import*; import java.util.*; import javax.speech.*; import javax.speech.recognition.*; import javax.speech.synthesis.*; import josx.rcxcomm.*; import*; public class SpeechControl { static RuleGrammar ruleGrammar; static DictationGrammar dictationGrammar; static Recognizer recognizer; static Synthesizer synthesizer; static ResourceBundle resources; // // This is the listener for rule grammar results. The // resultAccepted method is called when the user issues a command. // We then request the tags that we associated with the grammar in // rover.gram, and take an action based on the tag. Using tags // rather than looking directly at what the user said means we can // change the grammar without having to change our code. // static ResultListener ruleListener = new ResultAdapter() { // accepted result public void resultAccepted(ResultEvent e) { try { // get the result FinalRuleResult result = (FinalRuleResult) e.getSource(); String tags[] = result.getTags(); System.out.println("Said " + tags[0]); // The user has said "forwards" if (tags[0].equals("forwards")) { RCX.forward(); // the user has said "backwards" } else if (tags[0].equals("backwards")) { RCX.backward(); // the user has said "stop" } else if (tags[0].equals("stop")) { RCX.stop(); // the user has said "left" } else if (tags[0].equals("left")) { System.out.println("Turning left"); RCX.spinLeft(); System.out.println("Turned left"); // the user has said "right" } else if (tags[0].equals("right")) { RCX.spinRight(); // the user has said "up" } else if (tags[0].equals("up")) { RCX.tiltUp(1); // the user has said "down" } else if (tags[0].equals("down")) { RCX.tiltDown(1); // the user has said "good bye" } else if (tags[0].equals("bye")) { speak(resources.getString("bye")); if (synthesizer!=null) synthesizer.waitEngineState(Synthesizer.QUEUE_EMPTY); RCXRemote.stop(); Thread.sleep(1000); System.exit(0); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } // rejected result - say "eh?" etc. int i = 0; String eh[] = null; public void resultRejected(ResultEvent e) { if (eh==null) { String s = resources.getString("eh"); StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(s); int n = t.countTokens(); eh = new String[n]; for (int i=0; i 2) speak(eh[(i++)%eh.length]); } }; // // This is the listener for dictation results. The resultUpdated // method is called for every recognized token. The // resultAccepted method is called when the dictation result // completes, which in this application occurs when the user says // "that's all". // static ResultListener dictationListener = new ResultAdapter() { int n = 0; // number of tokens seen so far public void resultUpdated(ResultEvent e) { Result result = (Result) e.getSource(); for (int i=n; i 0.2) System.out.println("volume " + e.getAudioLevel()); } }; // // EngineListener reports engine errors, such as audio busy. // static EngineListener engineListener = new EngineAdapter() { public void engineError(EngineErrorEvent e) { System.out.println ("Engine error: " + e.getEngineError().getMessage()); } }; // // Here's a method to say something. If the synthesizer isn't // available, we just print the message. // static void speak(String s) { if (synthesizer!=null) { try { synthesizer.speak(s, null); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else System.out.println(s); } // // main // public static void main(String args[]) { try { // locale, resources if (args.length>0) Locale.setDefault(new Locale(args[0], "")); if (args.length>1) Locale.setDefault(new Locale(args[0], args[1])); System.out.println("locale is " + Locale.getDefault()); resources = ResourceBundle.getBundle("res"); System.out.println(resources); // create a recognizer matching default locale, add audio listener recognizer = Central.createRecognizer(null); System.out.println(recognizer); recognizer.allocate(); recognizer.getAudioManager().addAudioListener(audioListener); recognizer.addEngineListener(engineListener); // create dictation grammar dictationGrammar = recognizer.getDictationGrammar(null); dictationGrammar.addResultListener(dictationListener); // create a rule grammar, activate it String grammarName = resources.getString("grammar"); Reader reader = new FileReader(grammarName); ruleGrammar = recognizer.loadJSGF(reader); ruleGrammar.addResultListener(ruleListener); ruleGrammar.setEnabled(true); // commit new grammars, start recognizer recognizer.commitChanges(); recognizer.requestFocus(); recognizer.resume(); // create a synthesizer, speak a greeting synthesizer = Central.createSynthesizer(null); if (synthesizer!=null) { synthesizer.allocate(); synthesizer.addEngineListener(engineListener); } speak(resources.getString("greeting")); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } } }