All right, after a bit of mucking about I did get the HelloWorld program to work on my Mac. I saw some of the errors that you did, but in the end it does seem to work. Perhaps we can try together with your laptop. Here's my complete recipe, with all the details just in case. 0) My system is Mac OS X 10.4.4, and I'm running /bin/bash for my shell, as set in Terminal's preferences. $ java -version ... 1.4.2_09 $ gcc --version ... powerpc-apple-darwin8-gcc-4.0.0 20041026 1) downloaded lejos_2_1_0.tar.gz to /Users/mahoney/src 2) unpack and set up $ cd ~/src $ tar zxf lejos_2_1_0.tar.gz $ cd lejos_2_1_0 $ mkdir jims_stuff a place to put the rest $ cd jims_stuff 3) patch vmsrc/threads.c to read done_pi: ; #endif //PI_AVOIDANCE 4) create jims_stuff/lejos.env containing export LEJOS_HOME=/Users/mahoney/src/lejos_2_1_0 export PATH=$PATH:$LEJOS_HOME/bin export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:$LEJOS_HOME/bin export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$LEJOS_HOME/lib:. export RCXTTY=usb 5) from jims_stuff $ . lejos_env $ cd .. $ make lots of warnings, but finishes $ cd jims_stuff 6) plugged in a USB tower to the left USB port on my Powerbook G4 (there's also a USB port on the right side; haven't tried it), plugged in a brick to its power adapter, turned it on, and put em about an inch apart, out of direct sunlight (saw some problems with light polution a few years back) 7) download the firmware $ lejosfirmdl (green light goes on in tower; brick beeps) ... 100% 8) finally transfer a program while the brick is still in a receptive state (after lejosfirmdl or power cycle) $ cp ../examples/hworld/ . $ lejosc (creates HelloWorld.class) $ lejos HelloWorld (green light goes on, brick counts...) $ (success!) 9) hit the "run" button on the brick and see hELL o worL d The "lejosdl" command gave me the "Response: -4" error that you talked about; luckily, it isn't needed - the "lejos" command does everything in one go, without the two steps that lejoslink and lejosdl do, with the intermediate HelloWorld.bin. Type just "lejos" to get its blurb. Anyway, that's what I got; hopefully it'll work for you with a bit of TLC, too. I agree that it's finicky. I haven't tried the motors and sensors, but did do the HelloWorld several times; I don't expect the other programs to be that different.