#!/usr/bin/env python ## CURSES BASIC-MAIL GUI # This is the Basic-Mail program, a basic email client written in Python # with a curses interface. This program reads mail messages in from a file # and allows you to view them and create others, all in the highest-grade # GUI that the cutting-edge terminals allow! # # To Run: Go to the Basic-Mail directory and type "python Basic-Mail.py", # without the quotes. If it doesn't work, make sure that the size # of the console window is at least 80 x 30 pixels. # # Use the arrow keys to navigate within the inbox and the composition # window, and the highlighted letters and numbers for the menus and # tabs. ## ## Included Files: # basic-mail.py - The main file, mainly deals with user input # draw.py - Functions that draw windows and composing a message # files.py - Reads in mail from a text file # mail.txt - Where the mail is stored # menu.py - Works with the menu system # pop_up.py - Where all pop-ups go to live and die # readme.txt - First stop shop for information regarding the program # tabs.py - Functions working with the tabs # variables.py - All variables are set and windows are created here # versions.txt - A more detailed, journal-like version history ## ## KNOWN ISSUES AND BUGS.. ## # 1: Deletion does not work properly in the composition window. # 2: The program does not write back to the file and save your changes. # 3: Address Book, Accounts, and Reply do not work, but I'm keeping them in # because the more populated menus look prettier. # 4: Closing tabs has limited functionality; you cannot close the inbox, ever, # and closing one screen leaves it on the tab to the left of it. ## ## VERSION HISTORY.. ## ## Version 1.0 - May 1st, 2006 # Message composition works very well, and you can view multiple messages! ## ## Version 0.9 - April 30th, 2006 # Inbox and message screen working, reads in from file successfully ## ## Version 0.8 - April 28th, 2006 # Organized code in more files and got tab closure working. ## ## Version 0.75 - April 20th, 2006 # The code is now much more organized and the functions better explained. ## ## Version 0.7 - April 12th, 2006 # Includes working pop-ups and tab displays, though you cannot open and close # tabs. ## ## Version 0.6 - April 8th, 2006 # Has working menus and tabs, though tab displaying is not quite worked out. ## ## Version 0.5 - April 5th, 2006 # The Chat GUI stripped down to its basic functionality. ## ## A more detailed version history is available in versions.txt ##