May 8 Copied Ryan's work here, and made a copy that I could modify without changing his original. $ su root $ cp -r /home/rdolan/Basic-Mail ./Basic-Mail_ryan $ chown -R mahoney . $ su mahoney $ cp -r Basic-Mail_ryan Basic-Mail_jim $ cd Basic-Mail_jim # * edited directory=... in # * Ryan says the path must end in a slash. I see there's another copy in /home/rdolan/html/python/Basic-Mail though I'm not sure which is more recent. $ rm *.pyc $ python Got an error: ... No module named "chat" ... Looks like there was a chat.pyc but no - though there is a in the Older/ directory. And there's one in ~rdolan/html/python/Basic-Mail, too. OK, try again, using the version in the html directory. $ cd .. $ rm -rf Basic_Mail_jim $ cp -r ~rdolan/html/python/Basic-Mail ./Basic-Mail_ryan_html $ cp -r Basic-Mail_ryan_html Basic-Mail_jim # edited directory in again. $ cd Basic-Mail_jim This directory doesn't have any .pyc modules. # Just so I don't kill my terminal, let's try this in a new window. $ xterm & $ python Thank you! The interface has broken and you have found a bug~ So I still haven't managed to get this to work. From a mac terminal window (which it kills) I get an "curs_set() return ERR" message. Ryan says it works on cs in his /home/ryan/Basic/Mail, so I'll try that ... even though it doesn't have That works ... mostly. $ su $ cd /home/rdolan/Basic-Mail $ xterm & $ ./ I wonder if this version is consistent with the other $ mv chat.pyc chat_pyc $ cp ../Basic-Mail_ryan_html/ . $ xterm $ ./ And it still works; so I guess I do now have the most recent working code. ... however, nothing in the versions tells me what's been changed to get it to work on cs ... just the note on cs that is is working.