Nothing submitted here on the wiki grades at all, as of Thur March 9 3am, a week after the due date. Tsk tsk. Collecting what there from the work directory. $ cp /home/rdolan/html/python/* . $ chmod +x *.py Looking through what's here 1. Hello world $ python Hello World! 2. Looks like it starts to do the right thing... and crashes. TERMINAL 1 : mahoney@cs midterm_project.attachments$ ./ What is your name, friend?: Jim Would you like to (c)onnect to someone, or (w)ait for a connection?: w Starting server... Waiting for clients... TERMINAL 2 : mahoney@cs midterm_project.attachments$ ./ What is your name, friend?: John Would you like to (c)onnect to someone, or (w)ait for a connection?: c What server would you like to connect to?: Connected to ('', 50000), sir Press Ctrl-C to exit, buddy. John says?: Hi John says?: TERMINAL 1 : Recieved connection from ('', 35327), sir. John said: Hello Traceback (most recent call last): File "./", line 153, in ? server(s) File "./", line 125, in server state.writeevent(fd) File "./", line 69, in writeevent if not len(self.writebuffers[fd]): KeyError: 4 mahoney@cs midterm_project.attachments$ I haven't tested further; I'm not sure what's what here.