package prefuse.action.animate; import java.awt.Font; import prefuse.action.ItemAction; import prefuse.util.FontLib; import prefuse.visual.VisualItem; /** * Animator that interpolates between starting and ending Fonts for VisualItems * during an animation. Font sizes are interpolated linearly. If the * animation fraction is under 0.5, the face and style of the starting * font are used, otherwise the face and style of the second font are * applied. * * @author jeffrey heer */ public class FontAnimator extends ItemAction { /** * Create a new FontAnimator that processes all data groups. */ public FontAnimator() { super(); } /** * Create a new FontAnimator that processes the specified group. * @param group the data group to process. */ public FontAnimator(String group) { super(group); } /** * @see prefuse.action.ItemAction#process(prefuse.visual.VisualItem, double) */ public void process(VisualItem item, double frac) { Font f1 = item.getStartFont(), f2 = item.getEndFont(); item.setFont(FontLib.getIntermediateFont(f1,f2,frac)); } } // end of class FontAnimator