package prefuse.action.assignment; import java.util.logging.Logger; import prefuse.Constants; import; import prefuse.util.DataLib; import prefuse.util.MathLib; import prefuse.util.PrefuseLib; import prefuse.visual.VisualItem; /** *

* Assignment Action that assigns size values for a group of items based upon * a data field. This action can be used to automatically vary item's on screen * sizes proportionally to an underlying data value. Sizes can be assigned along * a continuous scale, or can be binned into discrete size groups. Both 1D * (length) and 2D (area) encodings are supported by this function. * 2D is assumed by default; use the setIs2DArea method to change this.

* *

* The size assignments for numerical data are continuous by default, but can * be binned into a few discrete steps (see {@link #setBinCount(int)}). * Quantitative data can also be sized on different numerical scales. The * default scale is a linear scale (specified by * {@link Constants#LINEAR_SCALE}), but logarithmic and square root scales can * be used (specified by {@link Constants#LOG_SCALE} and * {@link Constants#SQRT_SCALE} respectively. Finally, the scale can be broken * into quantiles, reflecting the statistical distribution of the values rather * than just the total data value range, using the * {@link Constants#QUANTILE_SCALE} value. For the quantile scale to work, you * also need to specify the number of bins to use (see * {@link #setBinCount(int)}). This value will determine the number of * quantiles that the data should be divided into. *

* *

* By default, the maximum size value is determined automatically from the * data, faithfully representing the scale differences between data values. * However, this can sometimes result in very large differences. For * example, if the minimum data value is 1.0 and the largest is 200.0, the * largest items will be 200 times larger than the smallest. While * accurate, this may not result in the most readable display. To correct * these cases, use the {@link #setMaximumSize(double)} method to manually * set the range of allowed sizes. By default, the minimum size value is * 1.0. This too can be changed using the {@link #setMinimumSize(double)} * method. *

* * @author jeffrey heer */ public class DataSizeAction extends SizeAction { protected static final double NO_SIZE = Double.NaN; protected String m_dataField; protected double m_minSize = 1; protected double m_sizeRange; protected int m_scale = Constants.LINEAR_SCALE; protected int m_bins = Constants.CONTINUOUS; protected boolean m_inferBounds = true; protected boolean m_inferRange = true; protected boolean m_is2DArea = true; protected double[] m_dist; protected int m_tempScale; /** * Create a new DataSizeAction. * @param group the data group to process * @param field the data field to base size assignments on */ public DataSizeAction(String group, String field) { super(group, NO_SIZE); m_dataField = field; } /** * Create a new DataSizeAction. * @param group the data group to process * @param field the data field to base size assignments on * @param bins the number of discrete size values to use */ public DataSizeAction(String group, String field, int bins) { this(group, field, bins, Constants.LINEAR_SCALE); } /** * Create a new DataSizeAction. * @param group the data group to process * @param field the data field to base size assignments on * @param bins the number of discrete size values to use * @param scale the scale type to use. One of * {@link prefuse.Constants#LINEAR_SCALE}, * {@link prefuse.Constants#LOG_SCALE}, * {@link prefuse.Constants#SQRT_SCALE}, or * {@link prefuse.Constants#QUANTILE_SCALE}. If a quantile scale is * used, the number of bins must be greater than zero. */ public DataSizeAction(String group, String field, int bins, int scale) { super(group, NO_SIZE); m_dataField = field; setScale(scale); setBinCount(bins); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Returns the data field used to encode size values. * @return the data field that is mapped to size values */ public String getDataField() { return m_dataField; } /** * Set the data field used to encode size values. * @param field the data field to map to size values */ public void setDataField(String field) { m_dataField = field; } /** * Returns the scale type used for encoding size values from the data. * @return the scale type. One of * {@link prefuse.Constants#LINEAR_SCALE}, * {@link prefuse.Constants#LOG_SCALE}, * {@link prefuse.Constants#SQRT_SCALE}, * {@link prefuse.Constants#QUANTILE_SCALE}. */ public int getScale() { return m_scale; } /** * Set the scale (linear, square root, or log) to use for encoding size * values from the data. * @param scale the scale type to use. This value should be one of * {@link prefuse.Constants#LINEAR_SCALE}, * {@link prefuse.Constants#SQRT_SCALE}, * {@link prefuse.Constants#LOG_SCALE}, * {@link prefuse.Constants#QUANTILE_SCALE}. * If {@link prefuse.Constants#QUANTILE_SCALE} is used, the number of * bins to use must also be specified to a value greater than zero using * the {@link #setBinCount(int)} method. */ public void setScale(int scale) { if ( scale < 0 || scale >= Constants.SCALE_COUNT ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unrecognized scale value: "+scale); m_scale = scale; } /** * Returns the number of "bins" or distinct categories of sizes * @return the number of bins. */ public int getBinCount() { return m_bins; } /** * Sets the number of "bins" or distinct categories of sizes * @param count the number of bins to set. The value * {@link Constants#CONTINUOUS} indicates not to use any binning. If the * scale type set using the {@link #setScale(int)} method is * {@link Constants#QUANTILE_SCALE}, the bin count must * be greater than zero. */ public void setBinCount(int count) { if ( m_scale == Constants.QUANTILE_SCALE && count <= 0 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The quantile scale can not be used without binning. " + "Use a bin value greater than zero."); } m_bins = count; } /** * Indicates if the size values set by this function represent 2D areas. * That is, if the size is a 2D area or a 1D length. The size value will * be scaled appropriately to facilitate better perception of size * differences. * @return true if this instance is configured for area sizes, false for * length sizes. * @see prefuse.util.PrefuseLib#getSize2D(double) */ public boolean is2DArea() { return m_is2DArea; } /** * Sets if the size values set by this function represent 2D areas. * That is, if the size is a 2D area or a 1D length. The size value will * be scaled appropriately to facilitate better perception of size * differences. * @param isArea true to configure this instance for area sizes, false for * length sizes * @see prefuse.util.PrefuseLib#getSize2D(double) */ public void setIs2DArea(boolean isArea) { m_is2DArea = isArea; } /** * Gets the size assigned to the lowest-valued data items, typically 1.0. * @return the size for the lowest-valued data items */ public double getMinimumSize() { return m_minSize; } /** * Sets the size assigned to the lowest-valued data items. By default, * this value is 1.0. * @param size the new size for the lowest-valued data items */ public void setMinimumSize(double size) { if ( Double.isInfinite(size) || Double.isNaN(size) || size <= 0 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Minimum size value must be a " + "finite number greater than zero."); } if ( m_inferRange ) { m_sizeRange += m_minSize - size; } m_minSize = size; } /** * Gets the maximum size value that will be assigned by this action. By * default, the maximum size value is determined automatically from the * data, faithfully representing the scale differences between data values. * However, this can sometimes result in very large differences. For * example, if the minimum data value is 1.0 and the largest is 200.0, the * largest items will be 200 times larger than the smallest. While * accurate, this may not result in the most readable display. To correct * these cases, use the {@link #setMaximumSize(double)} method to manually * set the range of allowed sizes. * @return the current maximum size. For the returned value to accurately * reflect the size range used by this action, either the action must * have already been run (allowing the value to be automatically computed) * or the maximum size must have been explicitly set. */ public double getMaximumSize() { return m_minSize + m_sizeRange; } /** * Set the maximum size value that will be assigned by this action. By * default, the maximum size value is determined automatically from the * data, faithfully representing the scale differences between data values. * However, this can sometimes result in very large differences. For * example, if the minimum data value is 1.0 and the largest is 200.0, the * largest items will be 200 times larger than the smallest. While * accurate, this may not result in the most readable display. To correct * these cases, use the {@link #setMaximumSize(double)} method to manually * set the range of allowed sizes. * @param maxSize the maximum size to use. If this value is less than or * equal to zero, infinite, or not a number (NaN) then the input value * will be ignored and instead automatic inference of the size range * will be performed. */ public void setMaximumSize(double maxSize) { if ( Double.isInfinite(maxSize) || Double.isNaN(maxSize) || maxSize <= 0 ) { m_inferRange = true; } else { m_inferRange = false; m_sizeRange = maxSize-m_minSize; } } /** * This operation is not supported by the DataSizeAction type. * Calling this method will result in a thrown exception. * @see prefuse.action.assignment.SizeAction#setDefaultSize(double) * @throws UnsupportedOperationException */ public void setDefaultSize(double defaultSize) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * @see prefuse.action.EncoderAction#setup() */ protected void setup() { TupleSet ts = m_vis.getGroup(m_group); // cache the scale value in case it gets changed due to error m_tempScale = m_scale; if ( m_inferBounds ) { if ( m_scale == Constants.QUANTILE_SCALE && m_bins > 0 ) { double[] values = DataLib.toDoubleArray(ts.tuples(), m_dataField); m_dist = MathLib.quantiles(m_bins, values); } else { // check for non-binned quantile scale error if ( m_scale == Constants.QUANTILE_SCALE ) { Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()).warning( "Can't use quantile scale with no binning. " + "Defaulting to linear scale. Set the bin value " + "greater than zero to use a quantile scale."); m_scale = Constants.LINEAR_SCALE; } m_dist = new double[2]; m_dist[0]= DataLib.min(ts, m_dataField).getDouble(m_dataField); m_dist[1]= DataLib.max(ts, m_dataField).getDouble(m_dataField); } if ( m_inferRange ) { m_sizeRange = m_dist[m_dist.length-1]/m_dist[0] - m_minSize; } } } /** * @see prefuse.action.EncoderAction#finish() */ protected void finish() { // reset scale in case it needed to be changed due to errors m_scale = m_tempScale; } /** * @see prefuse.action.assignment.SizeAction#getSize(prefuse.visual.VisualItem) */ public double getSize(VisualItem item) { // check for any cascaded rules first double size = super.getSize(item); if ( !Double.isNaN(size) ) { return size; } // otherwise perform data-driven assignment double v = item.getDouble(m_dataField); double f = MathLib.interp(m_scale, v, m_dist); if ( m_bins < 1 ) { // continuous scale v = m_minSize + f * m_sizeRange; } else { // binned sizes int bin = f < 1.0 ? (int)(f*m_bins) : m_bins-1; v = m_minSize + bin*(m_sizeRange/(m_bins-1)); } // return the size value. if this action is configured to return // 2-dimensional sizes (ie area rather than length) then the // size value is appropriately scaled first return m_is2DArea ? PrefuseLib.getSize2D(v) : v; } } // end of class DataSizeAction