package prefuse.action.distortion; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.util.Iterator; import prefuse.action.layout.Layout; import prefuse.visual.VisualItem; /** * Abstract base class providing a structure for space-distortion techniques. * * @version 1.0 * @author jeffrey heer */ public abstract class Distortion extends Layout { private Point2D m_tmp = new Point2D.Double(); protected boolean m_distortSize = true; protected boolean m_distortX = true; protected boolean m_distortY = true; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Create a new Distortion instance. */ public Distortion() { super(); } /** * Create a new Distortion instance that processes the given data group. * @param group the data group processed by this Distortion instance */ public Distortion(String group) { super(group); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Controls whether item sizes are distorted along with the item locations. * @param s true to distort size, false to distort positions only */ public void setSizeDistorted(boolean s) { m_distortSize = s; } /** * Indicates whether the item sizes are distorted along with the item * locations. * @return true if item sizes are distorted by this action, false otherwise */ public boolean isSizeDistorted() { return m_distortSize; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * @see prefuse.action.Action#run(double) */ public void run(double frac) { Rectangle2D bounds = getLayoutBounds(); Point2D anchor = correct(m_anchor, bounds); final Iterator iter = getVisualization().visibleItems(m_group); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { VisualItem item = (VisualItem); if ( item.isFixed() ) continue; // reset distorted values // TODO - make this play nice with animation? item.setX(item.getEndX()); item.setY(item.getEndY()); item.setSize(item.getEndSize()); // compute distortion if we have a distortion focus if ( anchor != null ) { Rectangle2D bbox = item.getBounds(); double x = item.getX(); double y = item.getY(); // position distortion if ( m_distortX ) item.setX(x=distortX(x, anchor, bounds)); if ( m_distortY ) item.setY(y=distortY(y, anchor, bounds)); // size distortion if ( m_distortSize ) { double sz = distortSize(bbox, x, y, anchor, bounds); item.setSize(sz*item.getSize()); } } } } /** * Corrects the anchor position, such that if the anchor is outside the * layout bounds, the anchor is adjusted to be the nearest point on the * edge of the bounds. * @param anchor the un-corrected anchor point * @param bounds the layout bounds * @return the corrected anchor point */ protected Point2D correct(Point2D anchor, Rectangle2D bounds) { if ( anchor == null ) return anchor; double x = anchor.getX(), y = anchor.getY(); double x1 = bounds.getMinX(), y1 = bounds.getMinY(); double x2 = bounds.getMaxX(), y2 = bounds.getMaxY(); x = (x < x1 ? x1 : (x > x2 ? x2 : x)); y = (y < y1 ? y1 : (y > y2 ? y2 : y)); m_tmp.setLocation(x,y); return m_tmp; } /** * Distorts an item's x-coordinate. * @param x the undistorted x coordinate * @param anchor the anchor or focus point of the display * @param bounds the layout bounds * @return the distorted x-coordinate */ protected abstract double distortX(double x, Point2D anchor, Rectangle2D bounds); /** * Distorts an item's y-coordinate. * @param y the undistorted y coordinate * @param anchor the anchor or focus point of the display * @param bounds the layout bounds * @return the distorted y-coordinate */ protected abstract double distortY(double y, Point2D anchor, Rectangle2D bounds); /** * Returns the scaling factor by which to transform the size of an item. * @param bbox the bounding box of the undistorted item * @param x the x-coordinate of the distorted item * @param y the y-coordinate of the distorted item * @param anchor the anchor or focus point of the display * @param bounds the layout bounds * @return the scaling factor by which to change the size */ protected abstract double distortSize(Rectangle2D bbox, double x, double y, Point2D anchor, Rectangle2D bounds); } // end of abstract class Distortion