package prefuse.action.layout.graph; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Random; import prefuse.action.layout.Layout; import; import; import; import prefuse.util.PrefuseLib; import prefuse.visual.EdgeItem; import prefuse.visual.NodeItem; import prefuse.visual.VisualItem; /** *

Layout instance implementing the Fruchterman-Reingold algorithm for * force-directed placement of graph nodes. The computational complexity of * this algorithm is quadratic [O(n^2)] in the number of nodes, so should * only be applied for relatively small graphs, particularly in interactive * situations.

* *

This implementation was ported from the implementation in the * JUNG framework.

* * @author Scott White, Yan-Biao Boey, Danyel Fisher * @author jeffrey heer */ public class FruchtermanReingoldLayout extends Layout { private double forceConstant; private double temp; private int maxIter = 700; protected String m_nodeGroup; protected String m_edgeGroup; protected int m_fidx; private static final double EPSILON = 0.000001D; private static final double ALPHA = 0.1; /** * Create a new FruchtermanReingoldLayout. * @param graph the data field to layout. Must resolve to a Graph instance. */ public FruchtermanReingoldLayout(String graph) { this(graph, 700); } /** * Create a new FruchtermanReingoldLayout * @param graph the data field to layout. Must resolve to a Graph instance. * @param maxIter the maximum number of iterations of the algorithm to run */ public FruchtermanReingoldLayout(String graph, int maxIter) { super(graph); m_nodeGroup = PrefuseLib.getGroupName(graph, Graph.NODES); m_edgeGroup = PrefuseLib.getGroupName(graph, Graph.EDGES); this.maxIter = maxIter; } /** * Get the maximum number of iterations to run of this algorithm. * @return the maximum number of iterations */ public int getMaxIterations() { return maxIter; } /** * Set the maximum number of iterations to run of this algorithm. * @param maxIter the maximum number of iterations to use */ public void setMaxIterations(int maxIter) { this.maxIter = maxIter; } /** * @see prefuse.action.Action#run(double) */ public void run(double frac) { Graph g = (Graph)m_vis.getGroup(m_group); Rectangle2D bounds = super.getLayoutBounds(); init(g, bounds); for (int curIter=0; curIter < maxIter; curIter++ ) { // Calculate repulsion for (Iterator iter = g.nodes(); iter.hasNext();) { NodeItem n = (NodeItem); if (n.isFixed()) continue; calcRepulsion(g, n); } // Calculate attraction for (Iterator iter = g.edges(); iter.hasNext();) { EdgeItem e = (EdgeItem); calcAttraction(e); } for (Iterator iter = g.nodes(); iter.hasNext();) { NodeItem n = (NodeItem); if (n.isFixed()) continue; calcPositions(n,bounds); } cool(curIter); } finish(g); } private void init(Graph g, Rectangle2D b) { initSchema(g.getNodes()); temp = b.getWidth() / 10; forceConstant = 0.75 * Math.sqrt(b.getHeight()*b.getWidth()/g.getNodeCount()); // initialize node positions Iterator nodeIter = g.nodes(); Random rand = new Random(42); // get a deterministic layout result double scaleW = ALPHA*b.getWidth()/2; double scaleH = ALPHA*b.getHeight()/2; while ( nodeIter.hasNext() ) { NodeItem n = (NodeItem); Params np = getParams(n); np.loc[0] = b.getCenterX() + rand.nextDouble()*scaleW; np.loc[1] = b.getCenterY() + rand.nextDouble()*scaleH; } } private void finish(Graph g) { Iterator nodeIter = g.nodes(); while ( nodeIter.hasNext() ) { NodeItem n = (NodeItem); Params np = getParams(n); setX(n, null, np.loc[0]); setY(n, null, np.loc[1]); } } public void calcPositions(NodeItem n, Rectangle2D b) { Params np = getParams(n); double deltaLength = Math.max(EPSILON, Math.sqrt(np.disp[0]*np.disp[0] + np.disp[1]*np.disp[1])); double xDisp = np.disp[0]/deltaLength * Math.min(deltaLength, temp); if (Double.isNaN(xDisp)) { System.err.println("Mathematical error... (calcPositions:xDisp)"); } double yDisp = np.disp[1]/deltaLength * Math.min(deltaLength, temp); np.loc[0] += xDisp; np.loc[1] += yDisp; // don't let nodes leave the display double borderWidth = b.getWidth() / 50.0; double x = np.loc[0]; if (x < b.getMinX() + borderWidth) { x = b.getMinX() + borderWidth + Math.random() * borderWidth * 2.0; } else if (x > (b.getMaxX() - borderWidth)) { x = b.getMaxX() - borderWidth - Math.random() * borderWidth * 2.0; } double y = np.loc[1]; if (y < b.getMinY() + borderWidth) { y = b.getMinY() + borderWidth + Math.random() * borderWidth * 2.0; } else if (y > (b.getMaxY() - borderWidth)) { y = b.getMaxY() - borderWidth - Math.random() * borderWidth * 2.0; } np.loc[0] = x; np.loc[1] = y; } public void calcAttraction(EdgeItem e) { NodeItem n1 = e.getSourceItem(); Params n1p = getParams(n1); NodeItem n2 = e.getTargetItem(); Params n2p = getParams(n2); double xDelta = n1p.loc[0] - n2p.loc[0]; double yDelta = n1p.loc[1] - n2p.loc[1]; double deltaLength = Math.max(EPSILON, Math.sqrt(xDelta*xDelta + yDelta*yDelta)); double force = (deltaLength*deltaLength) / forceConstant; if (Double.isNaN(force)) { System.err.println("Mathematical error..."); } double xDisp = (xDelta/deltaLength) * force; double yDisp = (yDelta/deltaLength) * force; n1p.disp[0] -= xDisp; n1p.disp[1] -= yDisp; n2p.disp[0] += xDisp; n2p.disp[1] += yDisp; } public void calcRepulsion(Graph g, NodeItem n1) { Params np = getParams(n1); np.disp[0] = 0.0; np.disp[1] = 0.0; for (Iterator iter2 = g.nodes(); iter2.hasNext();) { NodeItem n2 = (NodeItem); Params n2p = getParams(n2); if (n2.isFixed()) continue; if (n1 != n2) { double xDelta = np.loc[0] - n2p.loc[0]; double yDelta = np.loc[1] - n2p.loc[1]; double deltaLength = Math.max(EPSILON, Math.sqrt(xDelta*xDelta + yDelta*yDelta)); double force = (forceConstant*forceConstant) / deltaLength; if (Double.isNaN(force)) { System.err.println("Mathematical error..."); } np.disp[0] += (xDelta/deltaLength)*force; np.disp[1] += (yDelta/deltaLength)*force; } } } private void cool(int curIter) { temp *= (1.0 - curIter / (double) maxIter); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Params Schema /** * The data field in which the parameters used by this layout are stored. */ public static final String PARAMS = "_fruchtermanReingoldParams"; /** * The schema for the parameters used by this layout. */ public static final Schema PARAMS_SCHEMA = new Schema(); static { PARAMS_SCHEMA.addColumn(PARAMS, Params.class); } protected void initSchema(TupleSet ts) { try { ts.addColumns(PARAMS_SCHEMA); } catch ( IllegalArgumentException iae ) {}; } private Params getParams(VisualItem item) { Params rp = (Params)item.get(PARAMS); if ( rp == null ) { rp = new Params(); item.set(PARAMS, rp); } return rp; } /** * Wrapper class holding parameters used for each node in this layout. */ public static class Params implements Cloneable { double[] loc = new double[2]; double[] disp = new double[2]; } } // end of class FruchtermanReingoldLayout