package; /** * Interface for data parsers, which parse data values from text Strings * and generated formatted text Strings for data values. * * @author jeffrey heer */ public interface DataParser { /** * Get the data type for the values parsed by this parser. * @return the parsed data type for this parser as a Java Class instance */ public Class getType(); /** * Get a String representation for the given value. * @param value the object value to format * @return a formatted String representing the input value */ public String format(Object value); /** * Indicates if the given text string can be successfully parsed by * this parser. * @param text the text string to check for parsability * @return true if the string can be successfully parsed into this * parser's data type, false otherwise */ public boolean canParse(String text); /** * Parse the given text string to a data value. * @param text the text string to parse * @return the parsed data value, which will be an instance of the * Class returned by the {@link #getType()} method * @throws DataParseException if an error occurs during parsing */ public Object parse(String text) throws DataParseException; } // end of interface DataParser