package; /** * DataParser instance the parses int values from a text string. * * @author jeffrey heer */ public class IntParser implements DataParser { /** * Returns int.class. * @see */ public Class getType() { return int.class; } /** * @see */ public String format(Object value) { if ( value == null ) return null; if ( !(value instanceof Number) ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "This class can only format Objects of type Number."); return String.valueOf(((Number)value).intValue()); } /** * @see */ public boolean canParse(String text) { try { Integer.parseInt(text); return true; } catch ( NumberFormatException e ) { return false; } } /** * @see */ public Object parse(String text) throws DataParseException { return new Integer(parseInt(text)); } /** * Parse an int value from a text string. * @param text the text string to parse * @return the parsed int value * @throws DataParseException if an error occurs during parsing */ public int parseInt(String text) throws DataParseException { try { return Integer.parseInt(text); } catch ( NumberFormatException e ) { throw new DataParseException(e); } } } // end of class IntParser