package; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Infers the data types for a table of data by testing each value * of the data against a bank of parsers and eliminating candidate * parsers that do not successfully parse the data. This class leverages * the mechanisms of {@link ParserFactory}, but while that class only * supports one data field at a time, TypeInferencer maintains a collection * of ParserFactory instances to infer type for multiple data columns * simultaneously. * * @author jeffrey heer * @see ParserFactory */ public class TypeInferencer { public ParserFactory m_template; public ArrayList m_factories = new ArrayList(); /** * Create a new TypeInferencer using the default ParserFactory * settings, thus the default parsers and parser ordering will be used. */ public TypeInferencer() { this(new ParserFactory()); } /** * Create a new TypeInferenced using the input ParserFactory as a * template for the desired parsers to check and parser ordering * to use. * @param template the template ParserFactory to use for included * parsers and their precedence. */ public TypeInferencer(ParserFactory template) { m_template = template; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ private void rangeCheck(int column, boolean grow) { if ( column < 0 || (!grow && column >= m_factories.size())) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "Index out of bounds: "+column); if ( column < m_factories.size() ) return; for ( int i=m_factories.size(); i<=column; ++i ) m_factories.add(m_template.clone()); } /** * Sample the given text string for the given data column index. * @param column the data column index of the sample * @param value the text string sample */ public void sample(int column, String value) { rangeCheck(column, true); ((ParserFactory)m_factories.get(column)).sample(value); } /** * Get the data type for the highest ranking candidate parser * still in the running for the given column index. * @param column the data column index * @return the currently inferred type of that column */ public Class getType(int column) { return getParser(column).getType(); } /** * Get the top-ranking candidate data parser for the given column index. * @param column the data column index * @return the data parser to use for that column */ public DataParser getParser(int column) { rangeCheck(column, false); return ((ParserFactory)m_factories.get(column)).getParser(); } } // end of class TypeInferencer