package; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JList; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import prefuse.util.DataLib; import prefuse.util.ui.JToggleGroup; /** * DynamicQueryBinding supporting queries based on a list of included * data values. * @author jeffrey heer */ public class ListQueryBinding extends DynamicQueryBinding { /** String used to indicate inclusion of all data values. */ private static final String ALL = "All"; private Class m_type; private ListModel m_model; private Listener m_lstnr; private boolean m_includeAll; /** * Create a new ListQueryBinding over the given set and data field. * @param ts the TupleSet to query * @param field the data field (Table column) to query */ public ListQueryBinding(TupleSet ts, String field) { this(ts, field, true); } /** * Create a new ListQueryBinding over the given set and data field. * @param ts the TupleSet to query * @param field the data field (Table column) to query * @param includeAllOption indicates if the dynamic queries should * include an "All" option for including all data values */ public ListQueryBinding(TupleSet ts, String field, boolean includeAllOption) { super(ts, field); m_type = DataLib.inferType(ts, field); m_lstnr = new Listener(); m_includeAll = includeAllOption; initPredicate(); initModel(); } private void initPredicate() { // set up predicate OrPredicate orP = new OrPredicate(); orP.add(BooleanLiteral.TRUE); setPredicate(orP); } private void initModel() { if ( m_model != null ) m_model.removeListSelectionListener(m_lstnr); // set up data / selection model Object[] o = null; if ( m_tuples instanceof Table ) { ColumnMetadata md = ((Table)m_tuples).getMetadata(m_field); o = md.getOrdinalArray(); } else { o = DataLib.ordinalArray(m_tuples.tuples(), m_field); } m_model = new ListModel(o); m_model.addListSelectionListener(m_lstnr); if ( m_includeAll ) { m_model.insertElementAt(ALL, 0); m_model.setSelectedItem(ALL); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Creates a new group of check boxes for interacting with the query. * @return a {@link prefuse.util.ui.JToggleGroup} of check boxes bound to * this dynamic query. * @see */ public JComponent createComponent() { return createCheckboxGroup(); } /** * Create a new interactive list for interacting with the query. * @return a {@link javax.swing.JList} bound to this dynamic query. */ public JList createList() { JList list = new JList(m_model); list.setSelectionModel(m_model); return list; } /** * Create a new drop-down combo box for interacting with the query. * @return a {@link javax.swing.JComboBox} bound to this dynamic query. */ public JComboBox createComboBox() { return new JComboBox(m_model); } /** * Creates a new group of check boxes for interacting with the query. * @return a {@link prefuse.util.ui.JToggleGroup} of check boxes bound to * this dynamic query. */ public JToggleGroup createCheckboxGroup() { return createToggleGroup(JToggleGroup.CHECKBOX); } /** * Creates a new group of radio buttons for interacting with the query. * @return a {@link prefuse.util.ui.JToggleGroup} of radio buttons bound to * this dynamic query. */ public JToggleGroup createRadioGroup() { return createToggleGroup(JToggleGroup.RADIO); } private JToggleGroup createToggleGroup(int type) { return new JToggleGroup(type, m_model, m_model); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Create a comparison predicate fof the given data value */ private ComparisonPredicate getComparison(Object o) { Expression left = new ColumnExpression(m_field); Expression right = Literal.getLiteral(o, m_type); return new ComparisonPredicate(ComparisonPredicate.EQ, left, right); } private class Listener implements ListSelectionListener { public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { ListModel model = (ListModel)e.getSource(); OrPredicate orP = (OrPredicate)m_query; if ( model.isSelectionEmpty() ) { orP.clear(); } else if ( m_includeAll && model.isSelectedIndex(0) ) { orP.set(BooleanLiteral.TRUE); } else { int min = model.getMinSelectionIndex(); int max = model.getMaxSelectionIndex(); int count = 0; for ( int i=min; i<=max; ++i ) { if ( model.isSelectedIndex(i) ) ++count; } if ( count == model.getSize() ) { orP.set(BooleanLiteral.TRUE); } else if ( count == 1 ) { orP.set(getComparison(model.getElementAt(min))); } else { Predicate[] p = new Predicate[count]; for ( int i=min, j=0; i<=max; ++i ) { if ( model.isSelectedIndex(i) ) p[j++] = getComparison(model.getElementAt(i)); } orP.set(p); } } } } } // end of class ListQueryBinding