package; import; import java.util.HashMap; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter; import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.MultiFieldQueryParser; import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException; import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.QueryParser; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Adapter class for interfacing with the Lucene search engine. By default, * instances of this class use an in-memory search index for English language * text, for use within a single application session. The class can, however, * be parameterized for any number of other configurations, including accessing * persistent search indices. * * @version 1.0 * @author jeffrey heer */ public class LuceneSearcher { /** Default Document field used to index text. */ public static final String FIELD = "prefuse-text"; /** Document field used to store the document ID number. */ public static final String ID = "prefuse-id"; private Directory directory; private Analyzer analyzer; private String[] fields; private Searcher searcher; private IndexReader reader; private IndexWriter writer; private boolean m_readMode = true; private boolean m_readOnly = false; private HashMap m_hitCountCache; /** * Create a new LuceneSearcher using an in-memory search index. */ public LuceneSearcher() { this(new RAMDirectory(), FIELD, false); } /** * Create a new LuceneSearcher using the specified search index location. * @param dir the Lucene Directory indicating the search index to use. */ public LuceneSearcher(Directory dir) { this(dir, FIELD, false); } /** * Create a new LuceneSearcher using a specified search index location, * a particular Document field to index, and given read/write status. * @param dir the Lucene Directory indicating the search index to use. * @param field the Lucene Document field that should be indexed. * @param readOnly if this index is read-only or is writable. */ public LuceneSearcher(Directory dir, String field, boolean readOnly) { this(dir, new String[]{field}, readOnly); } /** * Create a new LuceneSearcher using a specified search index location, * a particular Document fields to index, and given read/write status. * @param dir the Lucene Directory indicating the search index to use. * @param fields the Lucene Document fields that should be indexed. * @param readOnly if this index is read-only or is writable. */ public LuceneSearcher(Directory dir, String[] fields, boolean readOnly) { m_hitCountCache = new HashMap(); directory = dir; analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(); this.fields = (String[])fields.clone(); try { writer = new IndexWriter(directory, analyzer, !readOnly); writer.close(); writer = null; } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } m_readOnly = readOnly; if ( !readOnly ) { setReadMode(false); } else { m_readMode = false; setReadMode(true); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Sets if this LuceneSearcher is in read mode or write mode. In read more * searches can be issued, in write mode new Documents can be indexed. * Read-only LuceneSearcher instances can not be put into write mode. * @param mode true for read mode, false for write mode. * @return true if the mode was successfully set, false otherwise. */ public boolean setReadMode(boolean mode) { // return false if this is read-only if ( m_readOnly && mode == false ) return false; // do nothing if already in the mode if ( m_readMode == mode ) return true; // otherwise switch modes if ( !mode ) { // close any open searcher and reader try { if ( searcher != null ) searcher.close(); if ( reader != null ) reader.close(); } catch ( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } // open the writer try { writer = new IndexWriter(directory, analyzer, false); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); return false; } } else { // optimize index and close writer try { if ( writer != null ) { writer.optimize(); writer.close(); } } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); return false; } // open the reader and searcher try { reader =; searcher = new IndexSearcher(reader); } catch ( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } m_readMode = mode; return true; } /** * Searches the Lucene index using the given query String, returns an object * which provides access to the search results. * @param query the search query * @return the search Hits * @throws ParseException if the query is not parsed successfully * @throws IOException if an input/ouput error occurs * @throws IllegalStateException if the searcher is in write mode */ public Hits search(String query) throws ParseException, IOException { if ( m_readMode ) { Query q; if ( fields.length == 1 ) { q = QueryParser.parse(query, fields[0], analyzer); } else { q = MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(query, fields, analyzer); } return; } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "Searches can only be performed when " + "the LuceneSearcher is in read mode"); } } /** * Return the result count for the given search query. To allow quick * repeated look ups, the hit count is cached (this cache is cleared * whenever a change to the search index occurs). * @param query the search query * @return the number of matches to the query * @throws ParseException if the query is not parsed successfully * @throws IOException if an input/ouput error occurs * @throws IllegalStateException if the searcher is in write mode */ public int numHits(String query) throws ParseException, IOException { Integer count; if ( (count=(Integer)m_hitCountCache.get(query)) == null ) { Hits hits = search(query); count = new Integer(hits.length()); m_hitCountCache.put(query, count); } return count.intValue(); } /** * Add a document to the Lucene search index. * @param d the Document to add * @throws IllegalStateException if the searcher is not in write mode */ public void addDocument(Document d) { if ( !m_readMode ) { try { writer.addDocument(d); m_hitCountCache.clear(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "Documents can not be added to the index unless" + "the LuceneSearcher is not in read mode"); } } /** * Returns the Analyzer used to process text. See Lucene documentation * for more details. * @return returns the analyzer. */ public Analyzer getAnalyzer() { return analyzer; } /** * Sets the Analyzer used to process text. See Lucene documentation * for more details. * @param analyzer the analyzer to set */ public void setAnalyzer(Analyzer analyzer) { this.analyzer = analyzer; } /** * Returns the indexed Document fields. These fields determine which * fields are indexed as Documents are added and which fields are * queried over when searches are issued. * @return returns the indexed Document fields */ public String[] getFields() { return (String[])fields.clone(); } /** * Sets the indexed Document fields. These fields determine which * fields are indexed as Documents are added and which fields are * queried over when searches are issued. * param fields the indexed Document fields to use */ public void setFields(String[] fields) { this.fields = (String[])fields.clone(); } /** * Returns the Lucene IndexReader. See Lucene documentation * for more details. * @return teturns the IndexReader. */ public IndexReader getIndexReader() { return reader; } /** * Returns the Lucene IndexSearcher. See Lucene documentation * for more details. * @return returns the IndexSearcher. */ public Searcher getIndexSearcher() { return searcher; } /** * Indicates if ths LuceneSearcher is read-only. * @return true if read-only, false if writes are allowed */ public boolean isReadOnly() { return m_readOnly; } } // end of class LuceneSearcher