package; import java.util.Comparator; import; import; import; import; import; import prefuse.util.collections.BooleanIntSortedMap; import prefuse.util.collections.DoubleIntSortedMap; import prefuse.util.collections.FloatIntSortedMap; import prefuse.util.collections.IncompatibleComparatorException; import prefuse.util.collections.IntIntSortedMap; import prefuse.util.collections.IntIterator; import prefuse.util.collections.IntSortedMap; import prefuse.util.collections.LongIntSortedMap; import prefuse.util.collections.ObjectIntSortedMap; import prefuse.util.collections.SortedMapFactory; /** * Index instance that uses red-black trees to provide an index * over a column of data. * * @author jeffrey heer */ public class TreeIndex implements Index, ColumnListener, TableListener { protected Table m_table; protected RowManager m_rows; protected Column m_col; protected IntSortedMap m_index; protected boolean m_reindex; protected int m_colidx; /** * Create a new TreeIndex. * @param t the Table containing the data column to index * @param rows the RowManager of the Table * @param col the Column instance to index * @param cmp the Comparator to use to sort data values * @throws IncompatibleComparatorException if the comparator is not * compatible with the column's data type */ public TreeIndex(Table t, RowManager rows, Column col, Comparator cmp) throws IncompatibleComparatorException { m_table = t; m_rows = rows; m_col = col; m_index = SortedMapFactory.getMap(col.getColumnType(), cmp, false); index(); m_col.addColumnListener(this); m_table.addTableListener(this); } /** * @see */ public void dispose() { m_col.removeColumnListener(this); m_table.removeTableListener(this); } /** * @see */ public Comparator getComparator() { return m_index.comparator(); } /** * @see */ public int size() { return m_index.size(); } private int getColumnIndex() { if ( !(m_table.getColumn(m_colidx) == m_col) ) { m_colidx = m_table.getColumnNumber(m_col); } return m_colidx; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Index Update Methods /** * @see */ public void index() { m_index.clear(); // iterate over all valid values, adding them to the index int idx = getColumnIndex(); m_colidx = idx; IntIterator rows = m_rows.rows(); if ( m_index instanceof IntIntSortedMap ) { IntIntSortedMap map = (IntIntSortedMap)m_index; while ( rows.hasNext() ) { int r = rows.nextInt(); map.put(m_col.getInt(m_table.getColumnRow(r,idx)), r); } } else if ( m_index instanceof LongIntSortedMap ) { LongIntSortedMap map = (LongIntSortedMap)m_index; while ( rows.hasNext() ) { int r = rows.nextInt(); map.put(m_col.getLong(m_table.getColumnRow(r,idx)), r); } } else if ( m_index instanceof FloatIntSortedMap ) { FloatIntSortedMap map = (FloatIntSortedMap)m_index; while ( rows.hasNext() ) { int r = rows.nextInt(); map.put(m_col.getFloat(m_table.getColumnRow(r,idx)), r); } } else if ( m_index instanceof DoubleIntSortedMap ) { DoubleIntSortedMap map = (DoubleIntSortedMap)m_index; while ( rows.hasNext() ) { int r = rows.nextInt(); map.put(m_col.getDouble(m_table.getColumnRow(r,idx)), r); } } else if ( m_index instanceof BooleanIntSortedMap ) { BooleanIntSortedMap map = (BooleanIntSortedMap)m_index; while ( rows.hasNext() ) { int r = rows.nextInt(); map.put(m_col.getBoolean(m_table.getColumnRow(r,idx)), r); } } else if ( m_index instanceof ObjectIntSortedMap ) { ObjectIntSortedMap map = (ObjectIntSortedMap)m_index; while ( rows.hasNext() ) { int r = rows.nextInt(); map.put(m_col.get(m_table.getColumnRow(r,idx)), r); } } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } m_reindex = false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Listener Methods /** * @see, int, int, int, int) */ public void tableChanged(Table t, int start, int end, int col, int type) { if ( type == EventConstants.UPDATE || t != m_table || col != EventConstants.ALL_COLUMNS ) return; boolean insert = (type==EventConstants.INSERT); for ( int r=start; r<=end; ++r ) rowChanged(r, insert); } private void rowChanged(int row, boolean insert) { // make sure we access the right column value int crow = m_rows.getColumnRow(row, getColumnIndex()); if ( m_index instanceof IntIntSortedMap ) { IntIntSortedMap map = (IntIntSortedMap)m_index; int key = m_col.getInt(row); if ( insert ) map.put(key, row); else map.remove(key, row); } else if ( m_index instanceof LongIntSortedMap ) { LongIntSortedMap map = (LongIntSortedMap)m_index; long key = m_col.getLong(crow); if ( insert ) map.put(key, row); else map.remove(key, row); } else if ( m_index instanceof FloatIntSortedMap ) { FloatIntSortedMap map = (FloatIntSortedMap)m_index; float key = m_col.getFloat(crow); if ( insert ) map.put(key, row); else map.remove(key, row); } else if ( m_index instanceof DoubleIntSortedMap ) { DoubleIntSortedMap map = (DoubleIntSortedMap)m_index; double key = m_col.getDouble(crow); if ( insert ) map.put(key, row); else map.remove(key, row); } else if ( m_index instanceof BooleanIntSortedMap ) { BooleanIntSortedMap map = (BooleanIntSortedMap)m_index; boolean key = m_col.getBoolean(crow); if ( insert ) map.put(key, row); else map.remove(key, row); } else if ( m_index instanceof ObjectIntSortedMap ) { ObjectIntSortedMap map = (ObjectIntSortedMap)m_index; Object key = m_col.get(crow); if ( insert ) map.put(key, row); else map.remove(key, row); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } /** * @see, int, int, int) */ public void columnChanged(Column src, int type, int start, int end) { m_reindex = true; } /** * @see, int, boolean) */ public void columnChanged(Column src, int idx, boolean prev) { int row = m_rows.getTableRow(idx, getColumnIndex()); if ( row < 0 ) return; // invalid row value ((BooleanIntSortedMap)m_index).remove(prev, row); ((BooleanIntSortedMap)m_index).put(src.getBoolean(idx), row); } /** * @see, int, int) */ public void columnChanged(Column src, int idx, int prev) { int row = m_rows.getTableRow(idx, getColumnIndex()); if ( row < 0 ) return; // invalid row value ((IntIntSortedMap)m_index).remove(prev, row); ((IntIntSortedMap)m_index).put(src.getInt(idx), row); } /** * @see, int, long) */ public void columnChanged(Column src, int idx, long prev) { int row = m_rows.getTableRow(idx, getColumnIndex()); if ( row < 0 ) return; // invalid row value ((LongIntSortedMap)m_index).remove(prev, row); ((LongIntSortedMap)m_index).put(src.getLong(idx), row); } /** * @see, int, float) */ public void columnChanged(Column src, int idx, float prev) { int row = m_rows.getTableRow(idx, getColumnIndex()); if ( row < 0 ) return; // invalid row value ((FloatIntSortedMap)m_index).remove(prev, row); ((FloatIntSortedMap)m_index).put(src.getFloat(idx), row); } /** * @see, int, double) */ public void columnChanged(Column src, int idx, double prev) { int row = m_rows.getTableRow(idx, getColumnIndex()); if ( row < 0 ) return; // invalid row value ((DoubleIntSortedMap)m_index).remove(prev, row); ((DoubleIntSortedMap)m_index).put(src.getDouble(idx), row); } /** * @see, int, java.lang.Object) */ public void columnChanged(Column src, int idx, Object prev) { int row = m_rows.getTableRow(idx, getColumnIndex()); if ( row < 0 ) return; // invalid row value ((ObjectIntSortedMap)m_index).remove(prev, row); ((ObjectIntSortedMap)m_index).put(src.get(idx), row); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Retrieval Methods /** * @see */ public int minimum() { return m_index.getMinimum(); } /** * @see */ public int maximum() { return m_index.getMaximum(); } /** * @see */ public int median() { return m_index.getMedian(); } /** * @see */ public int uniqueCount() { return m_index.getUniqueCount(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * @see */ public IntIterator allRows(int type) { boolean ascending = (type & Index.TYPE_ASCENDING) > 0; return m_index.valueIterator(ascending); } /** * @see, java.lang.Object, int) */ public IntIterator rows(Object lo, Object hi, int type) { if ( !(m_index instanceof ObjectIntSortedMap) ) throw new IllegalStateException(); boolean reverse = (type & Index.TYPE_DESCENDING) > 0; boolean linc = (type & Index.TYPE_LEFT_INCLUSIVE) > 0; boolean hinc = (type & Index.TYPE_RIGHT_INCLUSIVE) > 0; if ( lo == null ) lo = ObjectIntSortedMap.MIN_KEY; if ( hi == null ) hi = ObjectIntSortedMap.MAX_KEY; ObjectIntSortedMap index = (ObjectIntSortedMap)m_index; if ( reverse ) { return index.valueRangeIterator(hi, hinc, lo, linc); } else { return index.valueRangeIterator(lo, linc, hi, hinc); } } /** * @see, int, int) */ public IntIterator rows(int lo, int hi, int type) { if ( !(m_index instanceof IntIntSortedMap) ) throw new IllegalStateException(); boolean reverse = (type & Index.TYPE_DESCENDING) > 0; boolean linc = (type & Index.TYPE_LEFT_INCLUSIVE) > 0; boolean hinc = (type & Index.TYPE_RIGHT_INCLUSIVE) > 0; IntIntSortedMap index = (IntIntSortedMap)m_index; if ( reverse ) { return index.valueRangeIterator(hi, hinc, lo, linc); } else { return index.valueRangeIterator(lo, linc, hi, hinc); } } /** * @see, long, int) */ public IntIterator rows(long lo, long hi, int type) { if ( !(m_index instanceof LongIntSortedMap) ) throw new IllegalStateException(); boolean reverse = (type & Index.TYPE_DESCENDING) > 0; boolean linc = (type & Index.TYPE_LEFT_INCLUSIVE) > 0; boolean hinc = (type & Index.TYPE_RIGHT_INCLUSIVE) > 0; LongIntSortedMap index = (LongIntSortedMap)m_index; if ( reverse ) { return index.valueRangeIterator(hi, hinc, lo, linc); } else { return index.valueRangeIterator(lo, linc, hi, hinc); } } /** * @see, float, int) */ public IntIterator rows(float lo, float hi, int type) { if ( !(m_index instanceof FloatIntSortedMap) ) throw new IllegalStateException(); boolean reverse = (type & Index.TYPE_DESCENDING) > 0; boolean linc = (type & Index.TYPE_LEFT_INCLUSIVE) > 0; boolean hinc = (type & Index.TYPE_RIGHT_INCLUSIVE) > 0; FloatIntSortedMap index = (FloatIntSortedMap)m_index; if ( reverse ) { return index.valueRangeIterator(hi, hinc, lo, linc); } else { return index.valueRangeIterator(lo, linc, hi, hinc); } } /** * @see, double, int) */ public IntIterator rows(double lo, double hi, int type) { if ( !(m_index instanceof DoubleIntSortedMap) ) throw new IllegalStateException(); boolean reverse = (type & Index.TYPE_DESCENDING) > 0; boolean linc = (type & Index.TYPE_LEFT_INCLUSIVE) > 0; boolean hinc = (type & Index.TYPE_RIGHT_INCLUSIVE) > 0; DoubleIntSortedMap index = (DoubleIntSortedMap)m_index; if ( reverse ) { return index.valueRangeIterator(hi, hinc, lo, linc); } else { return index.valueRangeIterator(lo, linc, hi, hinc); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * @see */ public IntIterator rows(int val) { return rows(val, val, Index.TYPE_AII); } /** * @see */ public IntIterator rows(long val) { return rows(val, val, Index.TYPE_AII); } /** * @see */ public IntIterator rows(float val) { return rows(val, val, Index.TYPE_AII); } /** * @see */ public IntIterator rows(double val) { return rows(val, val, Index.TYPE_AII); } /** * @see */ public IntIterator rows(boolean val) { if ( !(m_index instanceof BooleanIntSortedMap) ) throw new IllegalStateException(); BooleanIntSortedMap index = (BooleanIntSortedMap)m_index; return index.valueRangeIterator(val, true, val, true); } /** * @see */ public IntIterator rows(Object val) { return rows(val, val, Index.TYPE_AII); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * @see */ public int get(double x) { DoubleIntSortedMap index = (DoubleIntSortedMap)m_index; return index.get(x); } /** * @see */ public int get(float x) { FloatIntSortedMap index = (FloatIntSortedMap)m_index; return index.get(x); } /** * @see */ public int get(int x) { IntIntSortedMap index = (IntIntSortedMap)m_index; return index.get(x); } /** * @see */ public int get(long x) { LongIntSortedMap index = (LongIntSortedMap)m_index; return index.get(x); } /** * @see */ public int get(Object x) { ObjectIntSortedMap index = (ObjectIntSortedMap)m_index; return index.get(x); } } // end of class ColumnIndex