package prefuse.util; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.Stroke; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D; import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath; import java.awt.geom.Line2D; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.awt.geom.RectangularShape; import java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D; import prefuse.render.AbstractShapeRenderer; import prefuse.visual.VisualItem; /** * Library of useful computer graphics routines such as geometry routines * for computing the intersection of different shapes and rendering methods * for computing bounds and performing optimized drawing. * * @author jeffrey heer */ public class GraphicsLib { /** Indicates no intersection between shapes */ public static final int NO_INTERSECTION = 0; /** Indicates intersection between shapes */ public static final int COINCIDENT = -1; /** Indicates two lines are parallel */ public static final int PARALLEL = -2; /** * Compute the intersection of two line segments. * @param a the first line segment * @param b the second line segment * @param intersect a Point in which to store the intersection point * @return the intersection code. One of {@link #NO_INTERSECTION}, * {@link #COINCIDENT}, or {@link #PARALLEL}. */ public static int intersectLineLine(Line2D a, Line2D b, Point2D intersect) { double a1x = a.getX1(), a1y = a.getY1(); double a2x = a.getX2(), a2y = a.getY2(); double b1x = b.getX1(), b1y = b.getY1(); double b2x = b.getX2(), b2y = b.getY2(); return intersectLineLine(a1x,a1y,a2x,a2y,b1x,b1y,b2x,b2y,intersect); } /** * Compute the intersection of two line segments. * @param a1x the x-coordinate of the first endpoint of the first line * @param a1y the y-coordinate of the first endpoint of the first line * @param a2x the x-coordinate of the second endpoint of the first line * @param a2y the y-coordinate of the second endpoint of the first line * @param b1x the x-coordinate of the first endpoint of the second line * @param b1y the y-coordinate of the first endpoint of the second line * @param b2x the x-coordinate of the second endpoint of the second line * @param b2y the y-coordinate of the second endpoint of the second line * @param intersect a Point in which to store the intersection point * @return the intersection code. One of {@link #NO_INTERSECTION}, * {@link #COINCIDENT}, or {@link #PARALLEL}. */ public static int intersectLineLine(double a1x, double a1y, double a2x, double a2y, double b1x, double b1y, double b2x, double b2y, Point2D intersect) { double ua_t = (b2x-b1x)*(a1y-b1y)-(b2y-b1y)*(a1x-b1x); double ub_t = (a2x-a1x)*(a1y-b1y)-(a2y-a1y)*(a1x-b1x); double u_b = (b2y-b1y)*(a2x-a1x)-(b2x-b1x)*(a2y-a1y); if ( u_b != 0 ) { double ua = ua_t / u_b; double ub = ub_t / u_b; if ( 0 <= ua && ua <= 1 && 0 <= ub && ub <= 1 ) { intersect.setLocation(a1x+ua*(a2x-a1x), a1y+ua*(a2y-a1y)); return 1; } else { return NO_INTERSECTION; } } else { return ( ua_t == 0 || ub_t == 0 ? COINCIDENT : PARALLEL ); } } /** * Compute the intersection of a line and a rectangle. * @param a1 the first endpoint of the line * @param a2 the second endpoint of the line * @param r the rectangle * @param pts a length 2 or greater array of points in which to store * the results * @return the intersection code. One of {@link #NO_INTERSECTION}, * {@link #COINCIDENT}, or {@link #PARALLEL}. */ public static int intersectLineRectangle(Point2D a1, Point2D a2, Rectangle2D r, Point2D[] pts) { double a1x = a1.getX(), a1y = a1.getY(); double a2x = a2.getX(), a2y = a2.getY(); double mxx = r.getMaxX(), mxy = r.getMaxY(); double mnx = r.getMinX(), mny = r.getMinY(); if ( pts[0] == null ) pts[0] = new Point2D.Double(); if ( pts[1] == null ) pts[1] = new Point2D.Double(); int i = 0; if ( intersectLineLine(mnx,mny,mxx,mny,a1x,a1y,a2x,a2y,pts[i]) > 0 ) i++; if ( intersectLineLine(mxx,mny,mxx,mxy,a1x,a1y,a2x,a2y,pts[i]) > 0 ) i++; if ( i == 2 ) return i; if ( intersectLineLine(mxx,mxy,mnx,mxy,a1x,a1y,a2x,a2y,pts[i]) > 0 ) i++; if ( i == 2 ) return i; if ( intersectLineLine(mnx,mxy,mnx,mny,a1x,a1y,a2x,a2y,pts[i]) > 0 ) i++; return i; } /** * Compute the intersection of a line and a rectangle. * @param l the line * @param r the rectangle * @param pts a length 2 or greater array of points in which to store * the results * @return the intersection code. One of {@link #NO_INTERSECTION}, * {@link #COINCIDENT}, or {@link #PARALLEL}. */ public static int intersectLineRectangle(Line2D l, Rectangle2D r, Point2D[] pts) { double a1x = l.getX1(), a1y = l.getY1(); double a2x = l.getX2(), a2y = l.getY2(); double mxx = r.getMaxX(), mxy = r.getMaxY(); double mnx = r.getMinX(), mny = r.getMinY(); if ( pts[0] == null ) pts[0] = new Point2D.Double(); if ( pts[1] == null ) pts[1] = new Point2D.Double(); int i = 0; if ( intersectLineLine(mnx,mny,mxx,mny,a1x,a1y,a2x,a2y,pts[i]) > 0 ) i++; if ( intersectLineLine(mxx,mny,mxx,mxy,a1x,a1y,a2x,a2y,pts[i]) > 0 ) i++; if ( i == 2 ) return i; if ( intersectLineLine(mxx,mxy,mnx,mxy,a1x,a1y,a2x,a2y,pts[i]) > 0 ) i++; if ( i == 2 ) return i; if ( intersectLineLine(mnx,mxy,mnx,mny,a1x,a1y,a2x,a2y,pts[i]) > 0 ) i++; return i; } /** * Computes the 2D convex hull of a set of points using Graham's * scanning algorithm. The algorithm has been implemented as described * in Cormen, Leiserson, and Rivest's Introduction to Algorithms. * * The running time of this algorithm is O(n log n), where n is * the number of input points. * * @param pts the input points in [x0,y0,x1,y1,...] order * @param len the length of the pts array to consider (2 * #points) * @return the convex hull of the input points */ public static double[] convexHull(double[] pts, int len) { if (len < 6) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Input must have at least 3 points"); } int plen = len/2-1; float[] angles = new float[plen]; int[] idx = new int[plen]; int[] stack = new int[len/2]; return convexHull(pts, len, angles, idx, stack); } /** * Computes the 2D convex hull of a set of points using Graham's * scanning algorithm. The algorithm has been implemented as described * in Cormen, Leiserson, and Rivest's Introduction to Algorithms. * * The running time of this algorithm is O(n log n), where n is * the number of input points. * * @param pts * @return the convex hull of the input points */ public static double[] convexHull(double[] pts, int len, float[] angles, int[] idx, int[] stack) { // check arguments int plen = len/2 - 1; if (len < 6) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Input must have at least 3 points"); } if (angles.length < plen || idx.length < plen || stack.length < len/2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Pre-allocated data structure too small"); } int i0 = 0; // find the starting ref point: leftmost point with the minimum y coord for ( int i=2; i < len; i += 2 ) { if ( pts[i+1] < pts[i0+1] ) { i0 = i; } else if ( pts[i+1] == pts[i0+1] ) { i0 = (pts[i] < pts[i0] ? i : i0); } } // calculate polar angles from ref point and sort for ( int i=0, j=0; i < len; i+=2 ) { if ( i == i0 ) continue; angles[j] = (float)Math.atan2(pts[i+1]-pts[i0+1], pts[i]-pts[i0]); idx[j++] = i; } ArrayLib.sort(angles,idx,plen); // toss out duplicated angles float angle = angles[0]; int ti = 0, tj = idx[0]; for ( int i=1; i= d2 ) { idx[i] = -1; } else { idx[ti] = -1; angle = angles[i]; ti = i; tj = j; } } else { angle = angles[i]; ti = i; tj = j; } } // initialize our stack int sp = 0; stack[sp++] = i0; int j = 0; for ( int k=0; k<2; j++ ) { if ( idx[j] != -1 ) { stack[sp++] = idx[j]; k++; } } // do graham's scan for ( ; j < plen; j++ ) { if ( idx[j] == -1 ) continue; // skip tossed out points while ( isNonLeft(i0, stack[sp-2], stack[sp-1], idx[j], pts) ) { sp--; } stack[sp++] = idx[j]; } // construct the hull double[] hull = new double[2*sp]; for ( int i=0; i 1 ) { lw2 = lw/2.0; x -= lw2; y -= lw2; w += lw; h += lw; } item.setBounds(x, y, w, h); } /** * Render a shape associated with a VisualItem into a graphics context. This * method uses the {@link java.awt.Graphics} interface methods when it can, * as opposed to the {@link java.awt.Graphics2D} methods such as * {@link java.awt.Graphics2D#draw(java.awt.Shape)} and * {@link java.awt.Graphics2D#fill(java.awt.Shape)}, resulting in a * significant performance increase on the Windows platform, particularly * for rectangle and line drawing calls. * @param g the graphics context to render to * @param item the item being represented by the shape, this instance is * used to get the correct color values for the drawing * @param shape the shape to render * @param stroke the stroke type to use for drawing the object. * @param type the rendering type indicating if the shape should be drawn, * filled, or both. One of * {@link prefuse.render.AbstractShapeRenderer#RENDER_TYPE_DRAW}, * {@link prefuse.render.AbstractShapeRenderer#RENDER_TYPE_FILL}, * {@link prefuse.render.AbstractShapeRenderer#RENDER_TYPE_DRAW_AND_FILL}, or * {@link prefuse.render.AbstractShapeRenderer#RENDER_TYPE_NONE}. */ public static void paint(Graphics2D g, VisualItem item, Shape shape, BasicStroke stroke, int type) { // if render type is NONE, then there is nothing to do if ( type == AbstractShapeRenderer.RENDER_TYPE_NONE ) return; // set up colors Color strokeColor = ColorLib.getColor(item.getStrokeColor()); Color fillColor = ColorLib.getColor(item.getFillColor()); boolean sdraw = (type == AbstractShapeRenderer.RENDER_TYPE_DRAW || type == AbstractShapeRenderer.RENDER_TYPE_DRAW_AND_FILL) && strokeColor.getAlpha() != 0; boolean fdraw = (type == AbstractShapeRenderer.RENDER_TYPE_FILL || type == AbstractShapeRenderer.RENDER_TYPE_DRAW_AND_FILL) && fillColor.getAlpha() != 0; if ( !(sdraw || fdraw) ) return; Stroke origStroke = null; if ( sdraw ) { origStroke = g.getStroke(); g.setStroke(stroke); } int x, y, w, h, aw, ah; double xx, yy, ww, hh; // see if an optimized (non-shape) rendering call is available for us // these can speed things up significantly on the windows JRE // it is stupid we have to do this, but we do what we must // if we are zoomed in, we have no choice but to use // full precision rendering methods. AffineTransform at = g.getTransform(); double scale = Math.max(at.getScaleX(), at.getScaleY()); if ( scale > 1.5 ) { if (fdraw) { g.setPaint(fillColor); g.fill(shape); } if (sdraw) { g.setPaint(strokeColor); g.draw(shape); } } else if ( shape instanceof RectangularShape ) { RectangularShape r = (RectangularShape)shape; xx = r.getX(); ww = r.getWidth(); yy = r.getY(); hh = r.getHeight(); x = (int)xx; y = (int)yy; w = (int)(ww+xx-x); h = (int)(hh+yy-y); if ( shape instanceof Rectangle2D ) { if (fdraw) { g.setPaint(fillColor); g.fillRect(x, y, w, h); } if (sdraw) { g.setPaint(strokeColor); g.drawRect(x, y, w, h); } } else if ( shape instanceof RoundRectangle2D ) { RoundRectangle2D rr = (RoundRectangle2D)shape; aw = (int)rr.getArcWidth(); ah = (int)rr.getArcHeight(); if (fdraw) { g.setPaint(fillColor); g.fillRoundRect(x, y, w, h, aw, ah); } if (sdraw) { g.setPaint(strokeColor); g.drawRoundRect(x, y, w, h, aw, ah); } } else if ( shape instanceof Ellipse2D ) { if (fdraw) { g.setPaint(fillColor); g.fillOval(x, y, w, h); } if (sdraw) { g.setPaint(strokeColor); g.drawOval(x, y, w, h); } } else { if (fdraw) { g.setPaint(fillColor); g.fill(shape); } if (sdraw) { g.setPaint(strokeColor); g.draw(shape); } } } else if ( shape instanceof Line2D ) { if (sdraw) { Line2D l = (Line2D)shape; x = (int)(l.getX1()+0.5); y = (int)(l.getY1()+0.5); w = (int)(l.getX2()+0.5); h = (int)(l.getY2()+0.5); g.setPaint(strokeColor); g.drawLine(x, y, w, h); } } else { if (fdraw) { g.setPaint(fillColor); g.fill(shape); } if (sdraw) { g.setPaint(strokeColor); g.draw(shape); } } if ( sdraw ) { g.setStroke(origStroke); } } } // end of class GraphicsLib