package prefuse.util.collections; /** * Sorted map implementation using a red-black tree to map from double keys to * int values. * * @author jeffrey heer */ public class DoubleIntTreeMap extends AbstractTreeMap implements DoubleIntSortedMap { // dummy entry used as wrapper for queries private DoubleEntry dummy = new DoubleEntry(Double.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE, NIL, 0); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Constructors public DoubleIntTreeMap() { this(null, false); } public DoubleIntTreeMap(boolean allowDuplicates) { this(null, allowDuplicates); } public DoubleIntTreeMap(LiteralComparator comparator) { this(comparator, false); } public DoubleIntTreeMap(LiteralComparator comparator, boolean allowDuplicates) { super(comparator, allowDuplicates); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // SortedMap Methods /** * @see java.util.Map#clear() */ public void clear() { ++modCount; size = 0; root = NIL; } /** * @see java.util.Map#containsKey(java.lang.Object) */ public boolean containsKey(double key) { return find(key, 0) != NIL; } /** * @see java.util.Map#get(java.lang.Object) */ public int get(double key) { Entry ret = find(key, 0); return ( ret == NIL ? Integer.MIN_VALUE : ret.val ); } /** * @see java.util.Map#put(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) */ public int put(double key, int value) { Entry t = root; lastOrder = 0; if (t == NIL) { incrementSize(true); root = new DoubleEntry(key, value, NIL, lastOrder); return Integer.MIN_VALUE; } dummy.key = key; dummy.order = Integer.MAX_VALUE; while (true) { int cmp = compare(dummy, t); if (cmp == 0) { return t.setValue(value); } else if (cmp < 0) { if (t.left != NIL) { t = t.left; } else { incrementSize(lastOrder==0); t.left = new DoubleEntry(key, value, t, lastOrder); fixUpInsert(t.left); return Integer.MIN_VALUE; } } else { // cmp > 0 if (t.right != NIL) { t = t.right; } else { incrementSize(lastOrder==0); t.right = new DoubleEntry(key, value, t, lastOrder); fixUpInsert(t.right); return Integer.MIN_VALUE; } } } } /** * @see java.util.Map#remove(java.lang.Object) */ public int remove(double key) { // remove the last instance with the given key Entry x; if ( allowDuplicates ) x = findPredecessor(key, Integer.MAX_VALUE); else x = find(key, 0); if (x == NIL) return Integer.MIN_VALUE; int val = x.val; remove(x); return val; } public int remove(double key, int val) { // remove the last instance with the given key Entry x = findCeiling(key, 0); if ( x!=NIL && x.getDoubleKey() != key ) x = successor(x); if (x==NIL || x.getDoubleKey()!=key) return Integer.MIN_VALUE; for ( ; x.val != val && x != NIL; x = successor(x) ); if (x == NIL) return Integer.MIN_VALUE; remove(x); return val; } /** * @see java.util.SortedMap#firstKey() */ public double firstKey() { return minimum(root).getDoubleKey(); } /** * @see java.util.SortedMap#lastKey() */ public double lastKey() { return maximum(root).getDoubleKey(); } // -- Collection view methods --------------------------------------------- public LiteralIterator keyIterator() { return new KeyIterator(); } public LiteralIterator keyRangeIterator(double fromKey, boolean fromInc, double toKey, boolean toInc) { Entry start, end; if (, toKey) <= 0 ) { start = findCeiling(fromKey, (fromInc ? 0 : Integer.MAX_VALUE)); end = findCeiling(toKey, (toInc? Integer.MAX_VALUE : 0)); } else { start = findCeiling(fromKey, (fromInc ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : 0)); start = predecessor(start); end = findCeiling(toKey, (toInc ? 0 : Integer.MAX_VALUE)); end = predecessor(end); } return new KeyIterator(start, end); } public IntIterator valueRangeIterator(double fromKey, boolean fromInc, double toKey, boolean toInc) { return new ValueIterator( (EntryIterator)keyRangeIterator(fromKey,fromInc,toKey,toInc)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Internal Binary Search Tree / Red-Black Tree methods // Adapted from Cormen, Leiserson, and Rivest's Introduction to Algorithms protected int compare(Entry e1, Entry e2) { int c =, e2.getDoubleKey()); if ( allowDuplicates ) { if ( c == 0 ) { c = (e1.order < e2.order ? -1 : (e1.order > e2.order ? 1 : 0)); lastOrder = 1 + (c < 0 ? e1.order : e2.order); } } return c; } private Entry find(double key, int order) { dummy.key = key; dummy.order = order; Entry e = find(dummy); return e; } private Entry findPredecessor(double key, int order) { dummy.key = key; dummy.order = order; Entry e = findPredecessor(dummy); return e; } private Entry findCeiling(double key, int order) { dummy.key = key; dummy.order = order; Entry e = findCeiling(dummy); return e; } // ======================================================================== // Inner classes // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Entry class - represents a Red-Black Tree Node static class DoubleEntry extends AbstractTreeMap.Entry { double key; public DoubleEntry(double key, int val) { super(val); this.key = key; } public DoubleEntry(double key, int val, Entry parent, int order) { super(val, parent, order); this.key = key; } public double getDoubleKey() { return key; } public Object getKey() { return new Double(key); } public boolean keyEquals(Entry e) { return (e instanceof DoubleEntry && key == ((DoubleEntry)e).key); } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof DoubleEntry)) return false; DoubleEntry e = (DoubleEntry)o; return (key == e.key && val == e.val); } public int hashCode() { long k = Double.doubleToLongBits(key); int khash = (int)(k^(k>>>32)); int vhash = val; return khash ^ vhash ^ order; } public String toString() { return key + "=" + val; } public void copyFields(Entry x) { super.copyFields(x); this.key = x.getDoubleKey(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Iterators private class KeyIterator extends AbstractTreeMap.KeyIterator { public KeyIterator() { super(); } public KeyIterator(Entry start, Entry end) { super(start, end); } public boolean isDoubleSupported() { return true; } public double nextDouble() { return nextEntry().getDoubleKey(); } } } // end of class DoubleIntTreeMap