package prefuse.util.display; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.util.Iterator; import prefuse.Display; import prefuse.visual.VisualItem; /** * Library routines pertaining to a prefuse Display. * * @author jeffrey heer */ public class DisplayLib { private DisplayLib() { // don't instantiate } /** * Get a bounding rectangle of the VisualItems in the input iterator. * @param iter an iterator of VisualItems * @param margin a margin to add on to the bounding rectangle * @param b the Rectangle instance in which to store the result * @return the bounding rectangle. This is the same object as the * parameter b. */ public static Rectangle2D getBounds( Iterator iter, double margin, Rectangle2D b) { b.setFrame(Double.NaN,Double.NaN,Double.NaN,Double.NaN); // TODO: synchronization? if ( iter.hasNext() ) { VisualItem item = (VisualItem); Rectangle2D nb = item.getBounds(); b.setFrame(nb); } while ( iter.hasNext() ) { VisualItem item = (VisualItem); Rectangle2D nb = item.getBounds(); double x1 = (nb.getMinX()b.getMaxX() ? nb.getMaxX() : b.getMaxX()); double y1 = (nb.getMinY()b.getMaxY() ? nb.getMaxY() : b.getMaxY()); b.setFrame(x1,y1,x2-x1,y2-y1); } b.setFrame(b.getMinX() - margin, b.getMinY() - margin, b.getWidth() + 2*margin, b.getHeight() + 2*margin); return b; } /** * Get a bounding rectangle of the VisualItems in the input iterator. * @param iter an iterator of VisualItems * @param margin a margin to add on to the bounding rectangle * @return the bounding rectangle. A new Rectangle2D instance is * allocated and returned. */ public static Rectangle2D getBounds(Iterator iter, double margin) { Rectangle2D b = new Rectangle2D.Double(); return getBounds(iter, margin, b); } /** * Return the centroid (averaged location) of a group of items. * @param iter an iterator of VisualItems * @param p a Point2D instance in which to store the result * @return the centroid point. This is the same object as the * parameter p. */ public static Point2D getCentroid(Iterator iter, Point2D p) { double cx = 0, cy = 0; int count = 0; while ( iter.hasNext() ) { VisualItem item = (VisualItem); double x = item.getX(), y = item.getY(); if ( !(Double.isInfinite(x) || Double.isNaN(x)) && !(Double.isInfinite(y) || Double.isNaN(y)) ) { cx += x; cy += y; count++; } } if ( count > 0 ) { cx /= count; cy /= count; } p.setLocation(cx, cy); return p; } /** * Return the centroid (averaged location) of a group of items. * @param iter an iterator of VisualItems * @return the centroid point. A new Point2D instance is allocated * and returned. */ public static Point2D getCentroid(Iterator iter) { return getCentroid(iter, new Point2D.Double()); } /** * Set the display view such that the given bounds are within view. * @param display the Display instance * @param bounds the bounds that should be visible in the Display view * @param duration the duration of an animated transition. A value of * zero will result in an instantaneous change. */ public static void fitViewToBounds(Display display, Rectangle2D bounds, long duration) { fitViewToBounds(display, bounds, null, duration); } /** * Set the display view such that the given bounds are within view, subject * to a given center point being maintained. * @param display the Display instance * @param bounds the bounds that should be visible in the Display view * @param center the point that should be the center of the Display * @param duration the duration of an animated transition. A value of * zero will result in an instantaneous change. */ public static void fitViewToBounds(Display display, Rectangle2D bounds, Point2D center, long duration) { // init variables double w = display.getWidth(), h = display.getHeight(); double cx = (center==null? bounds.getCenterX() : center.getX()); double cy = (center==null? bounds.getCenterY() : center.getY()); // compute half-widths of final bounding box around // the desired center point double wb = Math.max(cx-bounds.getMinX(), bounds.getMaxX()-cx); double hb = Math.max(cy-bounds.getMinY(), bounds.getMaxY()-cy); // compute scale factor // - figure out if z or y dimension takes priority // - then balance against the current scale factor double scale = Math.min(w/(2*wb),h/(2*hb)) / display.getScale(); // animate to new display settings if ( center == null ) center = new Point2D.Double(cx,cy); if ( duration > 0 ) { display.animatePanAndZoomToAbs(center,scale,duration); } else { display.panToAbs(center); display.zoomAbs(center, scale); } } } // end of class DisplayLib