package prefuse.util.display; import java.util.Arrays; import prefuse.util.ArrayLib; import prefuse.visual.VisualItem; import prefuse.visual.sort.ItemSorter; /** * A helper class representing rendering and picking queues. This functionality * is listed separately to keep the Display implementation a bit cleaner. * Fields are public and used directly by a single Display instance. * * @author jeffrey heer */ public class RenderingQueue { private static final int DEFAULT_SIZE = 256; public ItemSorter sort = new ItemSorter(); // rendering queue public VisualItem[] ritems = new VisualItem[DEFAULT_SIZE]; public int[] rscores = new int[DEFAULT_SIZE]; public int rsize = 0; // picking queue public VisualItem[] pitems = new VisualItem[DEFAULT_SIZE]; public int[] pscores = new int[DEFAULT_SIZE]; public int psize = 0; public boolean psorted = false; // buffer queues for use in sorting, these prevent continual re-allocation transient static VisualItem[] items_buf; transient static int[] scores_buf; /** * Clear both rendering and picking queues. */ public void clear() { Arrays.fill(ritems, 0, rsize, null); Arrays.fill(pitems, 0, psize, null); rsize = 0; psize = 0; } /** * Add an item to the rendering queue. * @param item the item to add */ public void addToRenderQueue(VisualItem item) { if ( ritems.length == rsize ) { int capacity = (3*ritems.length)/2 + 1; VisualItem[] q = new VisualItem[capacity]; int[] s = new int[capacity]; System.arraycopy(ritems, 0, q, 0, rsize); System.arraycopy(rscores, 0, s, 0, rsize); ritems = q; rscores = s; } ritems[rsize] = item; rscores[rsize++] = (sort != null ? sort.score(item) : 0); } /** * Add an item to the picking queue. * @param item the item to add */ public void addToPickingQueue(VisualItem item) { if ( pitems.length == psize ) { int capacity = (3*pitems.length)/2 + 1; VisualItem[] q = new VisualItem[capacity]; int[] s = new int[capacity]; System.arraycopy(pitems, 0, q, 0, psize); System.arraycopy(pscores, 0, s, 0, psize); pitems = q; pscores = s; } pitems[psize] = item; pscores[psize++] = (sort != null ? sort.score(item) : 0); psorted = false; } /** * Sort the rendering queue. */ public void sortRenderQueue() { sort(ritems, rscores, rsize); } /** * Sort the picking queue. */ public void sortPickingQueue() { sort(pitems, pscores, psize); psorted = true; } /** * Sort a queue of items based upon an array of ordering scores. */ private void sort(VisualItem[] items, int[] scores, int size) { if ( sort == null ) return; // first check buffer queues if ( items_buf == null || items_buf.length < size ) { items_buf = new VisualItem[items.length]; scores_buf = new int[scores.length]; } // now sort ArrayLib.sort(scores, items, scores_buf, items_buf, 0, size); } } // end of class RenderingQueue